
The global pandemic raised many questions about which sectors of the economy are essential and non-essential. It made people reevaluate the importance of some industries over others. As a result, governments finally started addressing the need for digital transformation in overlooked areas such as inspections.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

CASE STUDY: How a regulatory agency cut costs with resource scheduling software?
          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.


Inspection management operations are taking a significant percentage of the annual spending of government agencies. At the same time, it’s a process that is crucial to keeping the public health and safety. That’s why we’re witnessing rising demand for inspection management solutions. So here comes the burning question: what problems are being solved with such tools? What are the benefits that inspection management platforms bring to the regulatory agencies?

RelatedHow Route Optimisation Software Can Reduce the Costs of Inspections?

  1. Less manual work with automated AI inspection software

The daily inspection management process meets a lot of challenges. They usually impact efficiency in the regulators’ offices. Good digital transformation solutions can optimise the entire end-to-end inspection process by providing digital infrastructure for its execution. 

Canalix is a digital inspection platform that transforms inspection management with automation and AI optimisation. These technologies ensure optimised delivery of service that helps regulators cut costs and boost productivity.

2. Fast inspection performance

The data-driven automation in inspections brings a whole pie of benefits. One of these benefits is the speeding up of operations. Everything happens faster by using digital infrastructure for inspection planning, scheduling, execution, and reporting. The real-time electronic interaction between different cases and involved parties drives action for seconds. Without using inspection software, these interactions could take from days to weeks because of the complexity of regulatory case management. But with proper inspection software, this period can be reduced to just a few clicks of the mouse.

3. Improved inspection compliance

Regulations are constantly being updated. Sometimes changes in rules may cause time-consuming restructuring of the inspection management process. A good digital inspection platform can adopt new compliance rules for seconds and then apply them in the whole work process. Automation saves hundreds of hours of manual implementation that is always accompanied by human errors. The use of inspection software can optimise the transition between new regulations and their enforcement and eliminate possible mistakes.

RelatedHow AI Is Changing The Game For Inspection Software?

4. Transparency and Public Trust

The cloud-based digital inspection platform can ensure real-time access to inspection reports. That allows faster delivery of the inspection results to the interested parties. On the one hand, it improves transparency, and on the other hand, this helps maintain public trust, especially when we talk about government case management.

5. Remote Access To Inspection Services

In challenging times of social distance, digital platforms for inspection management services have a significant role in maintaining this process alive. It means that regulatory enforcement activity in risky places like social care institutions should be transformed with compliance with the social distance rules. That is where remote inspection software and self-inspection solutions can help regulators do their work and comply with the new normal’s social distance rules.

RelatedWhy self-service inspections are important?

There are many levels in the structure of the inspection management process. Good software will support every level of it. Canalix is designed to meet the needs of companies focused on inspection driven regulatory enforcement. If you’re looking for a specific business optimisation solution that addresses the needs of the inspection process, contact us now.

As a result of the recent events, regulators are looking more at the costs of regulatory inspections and for ways to optimise them. There are two major approaches for regulators that aim to achieve that:

inspection software

  • Approach #1: They reduce the cost of inspection resources by minimising travel time between inspection jobs or reducing travel for non-critical inspections by adopting remote inspection procedures.
  • Approach #2: They are increasing the value of the inspection outcomes and ensuring that high compliance standards are met, and the inspection process guarantees greater certainty about the condition of the inspected entities. 

The two approaches are both serving inspection optimisation purposes but differently. By focusing on the reducing inspection costs (Approach #1), regulators usually seek to realise immediate impacts on cutting costs. In contrast, the focus on improving the inspection program by increasing compliance standards (Approach #2) enables regulators to realise longer-term value like fewer disruptions in inspection schedules and cost overruns due to re-work and overtime work. 

Regulators aiming to embrace all of these benefits are challenged to gradually transform their operations by adopting different modules at different times that will eventually be integrated into a complete inspection software platform. This process takes time, but usually, specific areas that can be transformed to realise the most benefits are identified at its initial phase.

What else is included in the 1-st phase of transforming the inspection program?

  • Phase 1: Defining inspection performance KPIs

The inspection cycle includes many KPIs. When regulators identify the areas that can be transformed to bring the most benefits quickly, the focus usually falls on KPIs like operational uptime, inspector availability, time spent on travel, or others. When regulators transform their inspection management system with Canalix, we encourage them to set the KPI definition right. 

Read more about the essential KPIs in inspection performance in our most-read blog post here.

What comes after defining the critical inspection performance KPIs?

  • Phase 2: Designing the KPI-based inspection optimisation program

The critical KPIs that will be used to track the success of transforming the inspection management system determine the specific inspection software modules adopted with time. Suppose the goal is to reduce overbooking and overcome the issue of inspector availability. In that case, the design of the optimised inspection program must be focused on adopting regulatory self-submission modules or embracing a self-service portal framework to introduce a self-inspection program to balance the inspectors’ availability.

If the regulator’s specific goals are to reduce travel time and fuel costs, then the optimisation plan must start with an inspection scheduling module.

  • Phase 3: After designing a good inspection optimisation plan, track and measure

Keeping track of the KPIs of the inspection management cycle serves to validate the success of the transformation. This validation can also serve as a feedback loop to identify other improvements and cost reduction opportunities. For that to happen, regulators need reliable digital transformation partners.

In this case study, you’ll see how we helped other regulators transform their inspection programs:

Case study: Reduce operational costs with inspection scheduling software

Read it to understand:

    • The advantages of modular digital transformation
    • The vital architectural practices and technologies that enable modular transformation
    • How a regulatory agency in the UK is benefitting from a modular approach.

The digital transformation approach of Canalix to optimise inspections starts with aligning requirements and KPIs (as described above) and then following a modular digital transformation plan.

 The case studies from the regulators we work with in the UK show that our approach delivers consistent outcomes. That’s why we work with confidence when solving the problems of regulatory authorities and other public sector organisations. As you consider a new approach to address the cost of inspections in your regulatory agency, be sure you are working with an inspection software company with the right system to help you achieve your goals.

Contact us here:

For inspection team leaders in regulatory agencies is essential to track the KPIs of inspection performance. Those are the metrics that allow managers to track the performance of inspection teams and check whether the pre-defined objectives are met. Inspection KPIs are the indicators that define the success of operations in the inspection process. By tracking their values, team leaders can assess whether the inspection program is working well or something needs to be changed to meet the regulator’s goals in terms of costs and performance.

Is there a universal list of essential KPIs in inspection management?

There is no universal list of KPIs. The inspection performance indicators vary based on the inspection process in different regulators and what kind of resources it involves – field inspection technicians, inspectors for on-site checks, remote checks, technical equipment for special inspections, etc. Inspection team leaders have different responsibilities depending on the regulatory sector, and KPIs vary. So let’s look at the most common roles in the inspection process and the KPIs that are essential to be tracked with inspection management system.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

KPIs for Inspection Scheduling

The time needed to appoint an inspection schedule

Inspection scheduling may be a very time-consuming endeavour. Using resource scheduling software for inspections is to improve productivity. In that sense, the more inspection jobs being assigned to an inspector for an amount of time, the better. When regulators switch to an inspection management software from a paper-based process, one of the most essential metrics they should track is scheduling an inspection and whether it is done faster than the old ways of work.

Related: Digital optimisation in inspection services

Time to first contact on high-risk inspection requests

What if many low-risk jobs are blocking the timely processing of high-risk inspections? The time needed to make the first contact from the regulatory agency’s end to the inspected entity is crucial for high-risk cases. If the inspection software has the required data and a reliable engine that can assess the risk category of each job in the backlog correctly, then the time to first contact on high-risk inspections can be made faster. Two things are needed to track and improve this KPI:

    • self-service portal when inspection data is captured
    • AI engine that automatically assesses the risk category of each inspection request and automatically assigns an on-site check by an inspector to the high-risk ones

RelatedBest practices in risk-based inspection management

Travel time between inspections jobs

When regulators are sending inspectors to do jobs that are too far away from each other, it means that:

1) their time is not utilised well

2)the agency is losing money due to ineffective scheduling

3) the inspector’s productivity is declining.

Making the most optimal route for inspectors and automatically reshuffling resources in case of a last-minute schedule change is a reliable tool to minimise the travel time between inspections. This is a KPI that must be tracked for inspection scheduling optimisation. 


route otpimisation software

Essential KPIs for Inspection Managers (desk workers)

Inspection utilisation time

What if inspectors spend time on manual tasks – like filling paper checklists – that eats their time and prevent them from completing enough inspections for a day? The time needed for task completion should be tracked to improve utilisation if some tasks take unexpectedly longer than required. Giving inspectors mobile devices to capture details like photos and video and directly upload them to the cloud can improve their time utilisation and reduce unnecessary manual tasks.

RelatedImplementing resource scheduling in the inspection workflow

KPIs for on-site inspectors, remote inspectors & field technicians

Customer surveys

The citizens are the end customer of public sector operators such as regulatory agencies. Brief customer surveys are a great way to evaluate whether any transformation inspection-wise improves the quality of inspection service for the citizens. If the surveys show that citizens are satisfied with the inspection service, it’s a good indicator that things are working. If not, it might have something to do with other KPIs, such as response time, timely kept schedules, etc. 

Related: How our inspection software customers achieve significant ROI?

How Canalix transforms the world of regulatory inspections?

Inspection completion rate

If the number of inspections being completed for a month is growing over time, performance is good. If not – then time utilisation should be paid attention to. 

Failed inspection attempts and repeat visits

If an inspector has too many failed inspections in his schedule, probably he should be assigned to lower complexity inspections, or his profile should be checked if he has rightfully set qualifications. When the trends show that the performance is below average – a double check should be made on the inspector’s profile and on the inspection data that is being captured. If data quality can be improved, then perhaps the inspector won’t have to do repeat visits.

Related6 reasons why regulators need resource scheduling software for on-site inspections

How does inspection management software make KPI tracking easy?

Cloud, AI and high-configuration technology can make it a lot easier for regulators to track their inspection KPIs. The right mix of technology can serve as a comprehensive solution to:

  • Connect different data sources without having to shuffle piles of paper.
  • Track, analyse and understand inspection data in a way that will enable us to form a strategy and make decisions faster.
  • Automate inspection reporting that is understandable for its intended audience. 
  • Achieve a new level of resource optimisation

RelatedWhy real-time data is vital for inspection tracking?

Inspection management software for better inspection scheduling and resource utilisation

It’s easy to write and talk about tracking inspection KPIs and their importance. But when it comes to transforming old legacy systems into digital inspection systems, things look scary. That’s why Canalix offers end-to-end inspection management solutions that enable them to track essential KPIs to identify weak spots and potential for optimisation. With tools to reshape resource management, travel routes, schedule optimisations etc., regulators can start walking their rode on the way to better inspection service with the necessary cost optimisation. 

Book a demo with us today! Or ask us for a free 15-min product tour.

Adopting cost-efficient inspection models is more relevant than ever for regulators and will keep its rising trend in 2022. Public sector regulators often ask us about cost reduction strategies for inspection operations. Our answers are quite often related to optimising inspection scheduling. That’s why we decided to publish our most given recommendations on what should be expected by inspection management software in terms of cost optimisation.

What is inspection management software?

There are many good inspection software definitions. But what defines Canalix most accurately for our customers is:

The inspection platform serves as a job scheduling and inspection optimisation tool that improves the inspection process, from completing tasks faster to making more efficient inspection schedules that ensure more intelligent management and less expensive operations.

This definition of Canalix as an inspection platform works well for regulators with on-site and remote inspection programs. Also, it helps them to evolve and embrace new remote models like self-inspections for low complexity inspection requests. The user-friendly interface and cloud-based nature are facilitating the adoption of Canalix as a cost-reduction solution to regulators.


Resource optimization and business scheduling software

          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

Which areas in the inspection process endure the most major optimisation with Canalix?

  • Connectivity

All of the participants in an inspection have access to the inspection platform where they can communicate and find the latest and greatest attached to each task.

  • Inspection scheduling

Make inspection schedules for seconds with the most optimal resource allocation. If the inspection program endures a last-minute change, all resources are reshuffled to find the most optimal planning.

  • Decision-making

Having all of the inspection data in one place gives valuable insights for decision-making. The inspection team leader can make important decisions faster. And even make a long-term plan with clear goals set ahead.

  • Costs

The employing of various inspection optimisation solutions in one platform ensures many opportunities for cost reductions. It pretty much delivers optimisation of everything connected with the finances in a regulatory organisation.


There are various areas in which inspection software can change things for the better. But of course, there are also a variety of inspection models across different regulatory sectors that have their specifics. That’s why it depends on how much of the potential of an inspection platform like Canalix can be employed to achieve a maximum positive outcome.

A ready to use inspection platform is excellent news for regulators making their first digital transformation step. But it must go together with a degree of customisation to achieve the desired efficiency level. That’s why Canalix provides inspection software with expert help configuring the solution specifically for the customer. Looking for such expert help should be affirmed as a general recommendation when we talk about adopting new inspection management technology.


How Canalix transforms the world of regulatory inspections?

The inspection software features that make the difference

Inspection Tracking 

The inspection tracking software feature makes it easier to monitor and track the high-risk cases and their potential risks. First, because the digital format allows inspection teams to monitor inspections over time with just a few clicks, they don’t have to dig in a pile of paper. Monitoring risks with a historical perspective provides inspection teams with more information they can use for decision-making.

Real-Time Data

By doing inspections faster, the regulator can ensure safety more efficiently. It’s all due to a variety of factors. But the collecting of real-time data is one the most important ones. With real-time data on one platform accessible by decision-makers and other regulatory enforcement actors, the regulatory sector can quickly transform inspection models to fit better the cost reduction goals.

AI-enhanced inspection scheduling

Digital inspection platform like Canalix is like case management software, inspection scheduling software and resource allocation software working together on the same platform. Regulators don’t have to use three different solutions that don’t work well together. They can have a working platform that eliminates time waste by entering data twice to two separate digital platforms. That’s excellent news for achieving effective inspection scheduling and disruption-free inspection planning.

Mobile / remote inspection capability

The mobile capabilities of Canalix enable inspectors to use their mobile devices while performing digital inspections to capture photos or videos and attach them to the inspection file in the cloud. With inspection software in the cloud, inspectors can upload additional files on-site. If they have to go back to the office to update their inspection file later, the efficiency may suffer. Enabling inspectors to provide further context while making inspections gives inspection teams the power to react to critical inspection-related data on time. 

Inspection optimisation with improved inspection route planning

Making an inspection schedule where inspectors spend minimum time travelling between inspection jobs is hard. But with the AI engine, Canalix helps inspection teams to reduce their time spent on travelling. That enables the inspector to focus better on inspecting and spend less time travelling. That’s a way for regulators to achieve a new level of cost reduction and reduce their carbon footprint. 

resource management tool

How can Canalix help you if you’re a regulator?

The inspection digitalisation experts of Canalix have vast experience in serving regulators by delivering custom inspection software solutions. We can optimise the inspection workflow of regulatory inspections with attention to detail. Request a free 15-min product tour here and start your cost optimisation now

Start your cost optimisation initiative today and fill the form below by telling us more about your goals:



The global pandemic brought a new normal and slowly started pushing regulators and their inspection services to a new digital reality. The long term effects of this crisis change are yet to be defined, but it made one thing sure – technology is the future of regulatory inspection services.

The pandemic boosted the digital changes in the public sector, but it also revealed that these changes started way before the pandemic swamped the world. So that makes two things that public sector IT leaders must acknowledge:

  • that the debate whether regulators need digital transformation is over;
  • public sector institutions must work together to accelerate and optimise the use of technology to bring public services closer to the public.

To optimise the use of technology, regulators must not only merge technology with inspection services but also ensure that it’s done in a manner that will make them resilient in times of changes and challenges. 

Based on the changes that were brought by the ongoing global pandemic, it’s evident that technology transformed many public services. The regulators had to transform their inspection models so that they can deal with the growing backlog of inspection requests in terms of limited capabilities to perform inspections due to social distance requirements, etc. 

How Canalix transforms the world of regulatory inspections?

The digital transformation conversation before the pandemic

For the public sector regulators, the conversation about digital transformation was on a relatively early stage before the pandemic. But the crisis changed that and now everything happens faster than before. Regulators had to change their pace and start transforming overnight. The fast change directed their focus to the use of cloud-based saas inspection software – a convenient type of solution for the urgent necessity of the new reality.

Those who successfully transformed their regulatory inspection services before the pandemic, moved their operation workloads in the cloud and scaled their inspection models for the digital world with workflows for remote inspections or self-submission portals for self-inspections. Since many regulators saw growth of inspection requests during lockdowns and after lockdowns, these kind of changes enabled them to continue their oversight function effectively.  They were able to score the complexity of each inspection request and assign self-inspections to low complexity requests and on-site visits by an inspector on high complexity cases. In other words they had the tool to react to the crisis and respond with adapted inspection service model.

Whether regulators were ready or not for this kind of change, it happened and it is here to stay. So what’s going to happen in the next couple of months in terms of digital transformation in regulatory agencies? The answer is digital optimisation. 

The digital optimisation conversation after the pandemic

Saying that the conversation about whether regulators need digital transformation or not is over doesn’t mean that the regulators achieved digital maturity and mastered the power of digitalisation to perfection. It means that it’s not a question anymore, it’s an integral part of regulatory inspections. In other words, digitalisation and inspection services are going to be intertwined from now on and regulators need to find the way to optimisation in technology usage and deployment.

The pandemic as a stress test for the digital adoption go inspection software

Even though billions were spent on digital transformation in the public sector before the pandemic, most of the initiatives in the regulatory sector were in constant progress aiming to change the data infrastructure, moving operations to the cloud and leveraging on AI for different use cases – automatically assessing the complexity and risk level of cases and assigning the most optimal inspection routes. However, the challenges that accompany the transformation of an old legacy system made these initiatives take significantly longer. Therefore the progress often was slow. 

The lack of urgency made institutions reactionary towards changes. Their digital transformation efforts were seen only as a reaction to the changing habits of their customers – the public. The pandemic situation brought urgency into the digital transformation strategy of many institutions including regulatory agencies. The regulators themselves recommended institutions to examine their disaster recovery plans and prioritise coordination with their technology and cloud providers. The pandemic brought regulators not only to the realisation that digital transformation is urgent, but it also provided a path from transformation to optimisation and digital acceleration of regulatory inspections.

Lessons for the inspection services after the big pandemic stress test

The pandemic has shown that regulators can grow their efficiency in the reality of the new normal. So what are the key considerations for IT leaders and CIOS from regulatory agencies? For regulators technology optimisation is linked to the efficiency of their oversight function. The way to acceleration and optimisation for them goes through inspection data analytics tools, AI systems and resource management tools that enable them to scale and continue to provide their critical oversight functions. The harmony between technology and inspection services is yet to be found, but the acceleration for that to happen is turned on. Canalix is an inspection software platform that is built to address the urgency of the new post-pandemic reality and the challenges it created for regulators. Contact us to help you with your digital acceleration strategy now.

Intelligent use of resources is crucial for effective regulatory inspection management. If human resources such as inspectors are scarce and the number of inspection requests progressively grows, the regulatory function of any agency would suffer.

How do we solve the human resource scarcity in regulatory inspections?

The most obvious answer would be to raise the number of available resources. However, that would also cost more. The use of public expenses requires regulators to spend them wisely. The efforts to improve efficiency should be directed not to acquire new resources but rather to manage existing resources more optimally. It requires good inspection planning and scheduling because mismanagement of resources can easily lead to waste and less efficiency. 

RelatedResource optimisation and regulators – the good practices from the private sector

modular digital transformationWhy is modularity crucial for your digital transformation strategy in 2022?

Download this whitepaper to understand:

        • The advantages of modular digital transformation
        • The vital architectural practices and technologies that enable modular transformation
        • Migration strategies to minimize disruption for the business and customers
        • How Jobtimizer can help public sector organisations make the transition
        • How a regulatory agency in the UK is benefitting from a modular approach


Read it now.

Good news for regulators looking forward to resource optimisation

Regulators that want to optimise their resource management can choose among different resource optimisation software tools. The variety of solutions may be overwhelming, so the research process is a bit of a challenge. If you type “What’s the ideal resource management tool for regulatory inspections” on google, you’ll hardly find a good answer. 

RelatedImplementing resource scheduling software in the inspection workflow

Let’s try to answer these questions ourselves in this improvised guide. What can we consider as a good option for resource optimisation software? Which are the resource management features that an inspection planning software should offer? But before starting with these questions, let’s start with the WHY.

Why do regulators need resource management tools?

With resource management software, regulators can reach a higher efficiency level by utilising the existing resources better. A good resource management tool enables team leaders in regulatory agencies to keep track of who’s doing what and make better resource allocation decisions.

A resource management software like Canalix’s Jobtimizer is helping regulators to schedule and assign inspections to available resources – inspectors. As part of the platform CANALIX, Jotbtimizer can take resource scheduling to the next level by using an automated inspection risk scoring system and assigning high-risk cases with priority over low-risk cases. That helps in deploying the workforce at the right time to the right place – whether it be an on-site inspection, virtual remote inspection or self-inspection.

RelatedThe intersection point between remote inspections and resource allocation optimisation.

The use of an inspection management platform that combines resource scheduling, regulatory case management software, project management, etc., is essential for regulators because using a separate tool for each of these objectives is too time-consuming and can harm the productivity of inspection teams.

So, in a nutshell, regulators need resource management tools to ensure optimal resource utilisation, transparency, control and foreseeing problems.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

CASE STUDY: How a regulatory agency cut costs with resource scheduling software?
          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

How to identify a regulator-friendly resource management software?

How can you identify a resource scheduling software that works well for regulatory inspections? Here’s a checklist with the most critical resource scheduling features:

  • Complete visibility on inspections – performance, tracking and analytics. Having full visibility on inspection teams helps leaders pipeline their pending checks and help inspectors complete crucial tasks in time. Also, having good visibility on inspection performance via dashboard helps to reduce errors and always allocate the right resource to the right job.

inspection management analytics software

  • Paperless planning. Managing a physical calendar and filling it with inspectors’ schedules is unnecessarily complicated. The digital era changed this for good. But is it enough? No, it isn’t. Resource management tools like Jobtimizer go the extra mile and transfer all of the scheduling and paper-based operations in the cloud. It means that inspectors always have access and back up to their schedules and get real-time updates.
  • High configuration – one of the definitions that describe Jobtimizer best is its’ high configuration. What does a high configuration resource management software mean? It means that regulators can speed up their inspection processes by easily integrating the software with other platforms so that efficiency can remain high.

inspection case management

Resource planning on SaaS inspection platform

There are two types of software solutions when speaking of resource management – SaaS and installed on-premise software. The cloud-based SaaS inspection software can be used on any device, no matter where. In comparison, the on-premise installed software has limitations in that regard. 

Related: How resource optimisation improves task management in regulatory inspection

Since regulatory inspections require lots of fieldwork and mobility, SaaS resource management software is the more recommended option. It delivers flexibility and freedom to ensure convenience for inspectors and inspection teams.

How to find a resource planning tool? Where do we search? How do we compare prices?

Almost every research starts by typing a question in the google search bar. Many software marketplaces provide brief descriptions of different products. Comparing features and reviews is easy, but also -trying the free trial / live-demo version is essential before jumping to any conclusion based on automated comparison via a marketplace.

RelatedIs inspection optimisation a risky digital transformation project?


It doesn’t matter if a regulator performs 5 000 or 50 000 thousands inspection a year. In both cases, resources must be managed intelligently. By following this guide, regulatory agencies can easily find a decent inspection management system for their resource optimisation objectives and deploy it successfully for better inspection management.

If you want Canalix to do the first steps for you, contact us now.

The past 15 months were full of transformation milestones for regulators and inspection teams in big organisations. However, the next 5, 10 and 15 months are not going to be any less different in terms of reaching new milestones, because the economic sectors stood still and now started reopening again. 

What does returning to normal means for regulators and inspection teams?

As we already touched on a previous topic, adopting a new inspection model was and still is crucial for the reopening of the economic sectors that were closed during the peak covid-19 waves. Increasing the capacity of resources by hiring more inspectors, more gadgets and more stuff may sound like a natural effect of the increased inspection workload. But resource optimisation of the existing finite resources is the smartest decision.

The big question is how regulators can deliver an increased level of customer support in an environment of a growing inspection workload, finite resources and inspection teams that are adapting to new operational models?

When speaking of digital transformation, we should always keep in mind that public sector regulators are rarely the first movers in adopting new and innovative inspection models compared to other sectors like insurance risk inspection & claims, financial inspections, etc. So when we consult our clients from the regulatory sector, very often we have to explain to them why resource optimisation is not a high-risk digital transformation project by giving them practical directions that can lead them to successful adoption of resource optimisation.

Here are some of them:

Regulators in different states are at a different level of digital maturity. For some of them, resource scheduling and optimisation is the first move towards digital transformation, for others, it is thе next step after digitising their case management system. Regulatory agencies must plan not only their first digital transformation step but also their next steps in that regard. If they digitise the regulatory case management process in 2021, they must have a plan for digitising the resource scheduling and inspection planning in 2022 and 2023. Expanding the digital transformation scope must be done with the right partners who have industry expertise and can help regulators move their process gradually on one platform. Whenever they decide to adopt an inspection allocation optimisation system into their operations, they will have a readiness that will lower the risk of failure.

  • Change the service mode into a more user-oriented experience.

With or without pandemic, the public sector services faced a trend toward improving the customer experience for citizens and businesses. However, the post-pandemic expectations for a more digital and value-driven user experience have raised. In the regulatory inspections aspect, it means that users are more accustomed to receiving real-time insights into inspection resolution timelines. If regulatory agencies are going to keep improving the user service, they will have to start planning the introduction of more visibility for the inspected entities. This is extremely valid for organisations that embrace the self-service and remote inspection models. Optimising resource scheduling is one side of the coin towards regulatory process optimisation. The other side is having a well-informed end user with whom to realise the digital moment that the inspection management platform is creating.

  • On-site inspections must be dynamic.

Even though complex and high-risk inspections must be conducted on-site, it doesn’t mean that their process should not include self-service points as an alternative to unexpected issues like blocked access to an inspection point, etc. Having an alternative solution for unexpected disruptions during on-site inspections to avoid shutting down the whole inspection is what makes sense to reach inspection resolution on time, as planned resource-wise.

How Canalix transforms the world of regulatory inspections?

Regulatory inspections are more prone to change now than in the past few years. Acceleration in the digital transformation strategy is advancing throughout the regulatory sector. This means that inspection teams must be encouraged to deliver value while also learning to work in a new operational model. Following these three directions is a sure way to bring the digital transformation efforts to their expected realisation with low risk of failure.

Canalix is an inspection management platform that helps regulators to transform their inspection process effectively. Contact us now to help you transform yours.

One of the major shifts in inspection management that happened in the past 15 months was the mass adoption of the remote inspections model. The remote inspection management allowed regulators to efficiently comply with travel restrictions and pandemic safety regulations. It also enabled them to apply successful resource allocation optimisation.

What did regulators found in the remote inspection model?

Regulators saw an opportunity to improve the quality of their inspection services and to develop a new customer-friendly way for performing low and medium risk inspection.

Related: Why remote inspections are important for the reopening of the EU economy?

Of course, the pandemic didn’t invent remote inspections. The digital transformation of the inspection management model has been around for some time. So there comes the question: why this revolution happened now? Why not in 2010? The reason for that is mostly psychological – redefining the operational processes is a big step for conservative organisations such as public sector regulators. The pandemic was the trigger that provoked this major shift and made the change necessary.

How remote inspections are boosting resource allocation optimisation?

Adopting a remote inspection model can happen fast. But obtaining value and connecting the new inspection model to optimised resource allocation techniques, requires thought and time. How do we make sure that remote inspections will deliver resource optimisation value?

Set KPIs

When we talk about resource allocation optimisation, we should know what resources we’re aiming to optimise. If we look for an intersection point between remote inspections and resources, then it would be cutting the cost of inspections and improving the quality of completed work.

In that case, public sector regulators will have to set KPIs to measure the success of resource allocation optimisation. The adoption of the remote inspections model is the perfect time for optimisation of that kind. Possible KPIs will include reduced time spent on travel, cutting travel costs, increasing the number of completed inspections, reduced number of pending cases in the backlog, etc.

Help inspectors and case managers embrace the needed change

The adoption of the remote inspections model requires changes from the human resource’s end. Inspectors need to convert their inspection M.O. into a remote version, specific criteria must be set about which inspection case is eligible for remote inspections and which not so that case managers can make sense of this new prioritisation.

Related: Remote video inspections – benefits, constraints and risks

What are the pain points inspectors should focus on while adopting the remote inspection model? For example, an inspector who performs a remote inspection may need to ask the customer on the other end to interact with an object. A pre-defined list with the higher risk areas may serve as a good guide for the remote inspections. The digitalisation of inspections makes it easy for inspectors to prepare a pre-defined risk-oriented scenario for each remote inspection based on the data for the case in question.

Long story short, what inspectors need to focus on when converting to remote inspection is the interaction points. How would each interaction happen? To do that effectively, inspectors must be able to prepare a scenario for each inspection based on the data submitted for it.

resource allocation optimistion and inspection management

Remote inspection workflow + resource allocation optimisation

To illustrate the importance of this point, we will describe a classic workflow that our inspection management system Canalix triggers for remote inspections.

An inspectee calls the regulator’s office to request an inspection. Then a support agent sends him a link to a self-service portal where the inspectee can fill in the required details. There the user can upload pictures, video or other shreds of evidence needed for categorising the priority of the case and its complexity.

Once this information is submitted, a case manager can schedule a remote inspection or make another relevant action – assign an on-site visit due to higher complexity or downscale the case to a self-inspection procedure due to its low risk. Since this whole procedure happens digitally, the regulator is saving hours of work, driving and manual paper processing.

The reopening of the economy after the pandemic covid-19 waves serves as a great example of the efficiency of this inspection management system. However, this example is valid for other disaster scenarios. In such situations, efficiency is vital to response time. That’s why the remote inspection model is here to stay. The question is how long will it take for the rest of the world to adopt it.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download a case study.


The remote inspection model can go hand-to-hand with resource allocation optimisation. The effective implementation of remote inspections enhances the regulator’s ability to reduce operational costs, improve the response time and deliver efficient inspections even when the inspector can’t do an on-site visit.

The adoption of remote inspections is not a complicated idea. But it has a serious impact on inspectors, case managers and ordinary citizens who need regulatory inspection services. That’s why any change of the inspection model should be put in a framework to drive value – whether it would be in terms of resource optimisation or just productivity boost.

Canalix is an inspection management system that serves as a solid foundation for a remote inspection model. Its low-code and high configuration saas nature allow regulators to adapt to the change of the current times. Learn how your organisation can find the perfect intersection point between remote inspections and resource allocation optimisation now. Contact us here.

Everyone have heard government leaders talking about cutting costs. This is a budgetary policy that is happening in every EU country. Now in times of global health, social and economic crisis, these conversations are taking place more often than ever. Making cuts in the budgets seems like a shortcut to getting numbers in order. But shortcuts are not everything. A long-term cost optimisation policy is the smarter way to go for a variety of reasons.

Related: How digital safety inspection program can reduce the cost of inspections?

Shortcut plan vs long-term strategy?

The use of outdated systems in the public sector has led to reduction of the work load and challenged the efficiency of areas like regulatory enforcement in the peak of the covid-19 in Europe. More specifically the inspection management part of the regulatory agencies was challenged when strict social distance measures applied. This affected the citizens and the efficiency of the workforce, operating on the inspection management part.

Read now: A guide for finding the best inspection management software online

As a result there are a lot of conversation about cutting costs in government agencies now. However, optimizing costs is the direction for government agencies that are using outdated systems to run their processes.

“Government leaders often fall into “salami-slicing” budget cuts across the board. “Government leaders’ approach is to make incremental cuts to budgets areas across the board, rather than taking a more strategic cost optimization approach. These cuts can be particularly damaging to IT, derailing digital projects and ignoring the positive impact that budget spent on IT can have in reducing costs elsewhere in the organization.” says Cathleen E. Blanton, research vice president at Gartner.

Digital Transformation Drives Efficiency and Cost Optimisation

With the events that happened in 2020, government CIOs must evaluate whether the government agencies can deliver their services to the public with the current work model. After this assessment is made, the CIO must research alternative models of work. We’re living in the age of cloud technologies, so if we talk about transforming an overlooked field like inspection services, the cloud alternative must be on the top of the list.

Related: All you need to know about cloud adoption in government agencies

By researching cloud alternatives, CIOs must focus on the values of the cloud, but also to make sure that the new work models won’t be a challenge for the workforce. The values may vary. For example in the inspection management part the value may be about optimizing costs for travel of inspectors, in the case management part it may be about optimizing the processing time. The values vary at the different levels of government organizations. The good news is that with a good plan, CIOs may have an overview of the expected outcomes before buying a cloud software for inspections or for somethings else.

Related: Why is it a good idea to test a cloud software with PoC (proof of concept)?

Plan smart, implement cloud smarter

Adopting cloud for government agencies is not a simple task. It must be planned carefully and at different stages. If we look at the wholesome of processes behind regulatory enforcement, we will see room for different software solutions – inspection scheduling, inspection management, compliance management, case management, self-service portals and other e-government solutions. If the cloud implementation is planned to cover different solutions at different stage, then it will be one smart plan that will not only implement cloud, but will also do it in progressive way. It means that at every stage the workforce will be more mature to extract the values that are promised by the cloud.

Related: How route optimisation reduces costs in regulatory agencies?

The strategic approach of cost optimisation requires long term planning skills. This approach starts with formulating clear strategy and then implementing it.

Related: How to formulate cloud adoption strategy?

How to choose the right cloud service supplier?

There are hundreds of options on the SaaS market of cloud solutions for e-governments. However, when choosing a cloud service supplier, CIOs must look for something more than that. They need to identify a supplier, who is willing to be a partner and contribute to the planning of the most optimal cloud adoption plan.

Do you need help for cloud integration of inspection software and case management platforms for government agencies? Or you just want to start with gathering data via self-service portals and plan the further cloud adoption for other public services?

Contact us now.

Like it or not the new normal is here. And it splits the world by two – the ones that adapted to it and the ones that didn’t. A lot of researches are suggesting that the new normal is here to stay. In other words it’s digital transformation time for the ones who are not there yet.

When we look at the regulatory compliance picture, we will see that government agencies are little bit behind in terms of digital transformation that would allow them to adapt their work if a second covid-19 wave strikes. They know their problem, they know they need to adapt their inspection process to the new reality, but do they know how to set up their priorities right?

Related: What’s the New Normal For Regulatory Compliance?

This new situation is complicated everywhere. So of course it’s not the easiest thing on Earth to set up new priorities during coronavirus times, because priorities can change quickly as well. Based on insights gathered by our Canalix customers, we decided to describe 5 priorities that regulators should set in their plan for transforming the inspection model.

1. Focus on security

It’s pretty obvious that when it comes to digitally transforming the inspection work of government agencies, security must be a top priority. So if you wonder how to move inspections from manual handling to automation, then your answer is cloud technology.

Related: Cloud Inspection Platforms – The Solution For Regulators After The Pandemic?

2. Control the costs

Different inspection software tools have different prices. However, when searching for good inspection services, you should be alert if the software you’re eyeing offers flexibility in the prices of its services. It means that the best solution for you in terms of cost management would be a solution that can meet your needs on an appropriate level of cost. Government agencies don’t have to pay for inspection software that is designed to the highest level upfront.

This is why your focus should be on cloud inspections. Cloud solutions are usually more flexible in their range of services than tailor-made on-premise software solutions.

Related: Tailor-Made On-Premise Software vs. Cloud-Based SaaS Solutions

3. Have a plan for remote working

The people who had to change their work model for one night, know what we’re talking about here. Recently we read an article that people who watch post-apocalyptic movies were better prepared for the covid-19 outbreak than the others. We can apply the same logic to organization who have experience with remote working models – the organization that already have an experience with remote working (even if it’s just once monthly) were supposedly  more prepared than the others.

4. Think about the customers

Who are the customers of governments? The citizens. How can citizens connect with regulators when government agencies are working remotely? Via self service portals.

Related: Why Self-Service Portals Matter For Inspection Management

5. Don’t wait

The global situation is still fragile and unpredictable. It is a responsibility of the governments to be prepared to serve their citizens in all case scenarios. Digital transformation doesn’t happen overnight. But starting today means that you have a plan. And having a plan means to have a key to solving the problems of the current environment. Are you ready to not wait with your plan anymore? Start with our guide for finding the best inspection software.