In today’s rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, the need for evidence-based policies has never been more critical. Regulatory agencies worldwide are tasked with safeguarding public health, ensuring environmental sustainability, and maintaining consumer confidence in the integrity of regulatory oversight. However, in the absence of comprehensive data-driven insights, the formulation of effective policies becomes challenging and frequently leads to inadequate responses to emerging risks.

The Role of Canalix in Empowering Evidence-Based Policies

At Canalix, our cutting-edge regulatory case management software stands at the forefront of empowering regulatory agencies with actionable insights derived from comprehensive data analysis. By harnessing the power of Canalix’s analytical capabilities, we enable policy analysts and regulatory bodies to advocate for and implement policies that are not only grounded in data but also tailored to address specific risks and challenges faced by communities and industries.

Analytical Capabilities Driving Informed Decision-Making

At the heart of our impact at Canalix is our software’s ability to aggregate and analyse vast amounts of data, encompassing historical compliance records, inspection reports, demographic trends, and impact assessments. This holistic approach enables regulatory agencies using our case management system to pinpoint emerging trends in non-compliance related to specific areas and entities with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.

By uncovering patterns and correlations within the data, Canalix empowers regulators to make informed decisions. For example, a state environmental agency can use Canalix to identify industries contributing disproportionately to air pollution in specific regions. With this insight, government and their policy experts can draft targeted policies and regulations aimed at reducing emissions and improving air quality, thereby safeguarding public health.

Real-World Impact Stories

Understanding the real-world impact stories of Canalix’s regulatory case management system is crucial to appreciating its value. These stories demonstrate how Canalix transforms regulatory agencies’ operations, from streamlining permit processes to enhancing environmental management and improving public safety.

Enhancing Environmental Regulations

In regions grappling with environmental challenges, Canalix can empower regulatory agencies to analyse diverse datasets such as water quality assessments, air pollutant monitoring, and industrial discharge reports. By identifying persistent pollutants and their sources, enviromental regulatory agencies can develop targeted regulations and monitoring protocols.

These evidence-based policies can lead to measurable improvements in environmental quality within affected regions. Communities benefit from cleaner air and water, demonstrating Canalix’s role in promoting environmental sustainability and public health.

Streamlining Permitting Processes

In the realm of urban planning and development, Canalix enables regulatory authorities to streamline the permitting process by analysing historical permit applications, compliance data, and demographic trends. By identifying pain-points, agencies can implement digital permit systems and automate approval processes.

These enhancements can lead to faster permit approvals, reduced administrative burdens for applicants, and increased transparency in regulatory processes. Developers and homeowners benefit from expedited project timelines and clearer guidelines, fostering economic growth while ensuring compliance with zoning and building codes.

Strengthening Medical Service Providers Compliance

In the world of healthcare regulation, Canalix can play a crucial role in ensuring that medical service providers adhere strictly to compliance standards. Drawing on Canalix’s comprehensive data insights, regulatory bodies can pinpoint trends of non-compliance and areas where medical service providers need to make improvements. For instance, imagine a scenario where a regional health authority utilises Canalix to oversee adherence to infection control protocols in hospitals. Through real-time analysis of data and automated reporting, the authority identifies hospitals with inadequate compliance rates and promptly implements corrective measures.

Conclusion: Driving Efficiency and Compliance Through Data-Driven Solutions

Canalix is designed to empower regulatory agencies with advanced analytics and capabilities, enabling them to make informed decisions and implement evidence-based policies across diverse regulatory domains. By harnessing data to enhance efficiency, ensure compliance, and promote sustainability, Canalix supports regulatory agencies in achieving their mission of safeguarding public health, safety, and the environment.

As regulatory landscapes evolve, embracing technology-driven solutions like Canalix becomes essential for addressing complex challenges and achieving sustainable outcomes. Together, we can build resilient communities and foster a future where regulatory processes are transparent, efficient, and responsive to the needs of society.

Empower your regulatory agency with Canalix today and lead the way in data-driven policy making that delivers tangible benefits for your community and stakeholders. Request a demo here:

The time to consider adding automated inspection workflow within a legacy case management system is when an organisation is experiencing inefficiencies and delays in their inspection management processes. Several signs can indicate it’s time to consider adding automated workflow for inspections within a legacy case management inefficiencies, such as:

  1. Time-consuming manual processes – If your inspection management system relies on manual processes, such as data entry or document handling, and these processes take up much time, then it may be time to consider automating them.
  2. High error rates – Manual processes can be prone to errors, leading to case management mistakes. If you see a high error rate in your case management system, consider automation to reduce these errors.
  3. Lack of visibility – If you are struggling to get a clear picture of what is happening in your case management system, including where cases are in the process and who is responsible for them, then automation can help to provide better visibility.
  4. Growing caseloads – As the number of cases you manage grows, manual processes can become increasingly difficult. Automation can help to scale your case management processes to handle larger caseloads.
  5. Compliance issues – If your agency is subject to regulations or requirements, automation can help ensure that your processes are compliant and reduce the risk of non-compliance.

If your legacy case management system relies on manual processes that are time-consuming, error-prone, lacking in visibility, struggling to handle growing caseloads, or putting you at risk of compliance issues, then it has come the time to consider adding automated workflow for inspections. It can help address the aforementioned issues by providing a standardised, streamlined process that reduces the risk of errors and delays. Automated workflow can also increase transparency and accountability by providing real-time status updates and enabling case managers to track the progress of inspections more effectively.

Is it common for the public sector to adopt automated workflows within inspection management software?

Yes, it is becoming increasingly common for public sector organisations to add automated inspection workflows to combat inefficiencies within their case management systems. In addition, the benefits of automation extend beyond improving the inspection process itself. Operating with automated inspection management software can also free up time and resources for case managers, allowing them to focus on more high-value tasks, such as analysing data and making strategic decisions.

Given the potential benefits of automated inspection workflows, it is becoming increasingly common for public sector organisations to adopt this technology within their case management systems to improve inspection efficiency, quality, and compliance.

In which areas public sector organisations adopt automated inspection workflows?

Public sector organisations implement automated inspection workflows in various parts of their case management systems to improve inspection efficiency, quality, and compliance. Some of the common areas where automated inspection workflows can be implemented include:

  • Case intake and management: Automated inspection workflows can help streamline case intake and management processes, making tracking and managing inspections easier.
  • Inspection Scheduling and assignment: Automated workflows can help schedule inspections and assign them to appropriate personnel based on their skills and availability. Also, automated workflows can assign low-risk cases to self-inspection process. Look at Canalix remote inspection software for more info.
  • Data collection and analysis: Automated workflows can facilitate data collection during inspections and enable data analysis to identify trends and patterns that can inform future inspections.
  • Notifications and alerts: Automated workflows can send automated notifications and alerts to case managers, inspectors, and other stakeholders to inform them of inspection progress and status.
  • Reporting: Automated workflows can facilitate the generation of standardised reports on inspection findings, compliance, and other relevant metrics.

In general, the exact areas where automated inspection workflows can be implemented within a public sector case management system will depend on the specific needs and priorities of the organisation, as well as the specific features and capabilities of the case management software being used.

Here’s an example of how automated inspection workflows improved regulatory enforcement in the public sector:

One example of how automated inspection workflows improved regulatory enforcement in the European public sector is the implementation of a digital inspection system by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI).

Before implementing the digital inspection system, FSAI inspectors relied on paper-based records and manual data entry. This process was time-consuming and prone to errors. In addition, inspectors were often unable to access real-time data, which made it difficult to identify trends and potential issues.

FSAI implemented a digital inspection system to address these challenges that automated many inspection workflows. The system allowed inspectors to use mobile devices to record data and photos during inspections, automatically uploaded to a centralised database. The system also provided real-time data, allowing FSAI to quickly identify trends and potential issues.

As a result of implementing the digital inspection system, FSAI saw several benefits, including:

  1. Increased efficiency: Inspectors were able to complete inspections more quickly and accurately, reducing the time and resources required to conduct inspections.
  2. Improved data quality: By automating data collection and reducing manual data entry, the system improved the accuracy and completeness of inspection records.
  3. Better trend analysis: With access to real-time data, FSAI was able to identify trends and potential issues more quickly, allowing for more proactive regulatory enforcement.
  4. Increased transparency: The system provided greater transparency, allowing the public to access inspection records and providing greater accountability for regulatory enforcement.

Overall, the implementation of a digital inspection system by FSAI improved regulatory enforcement by increasing efficiency, improving data quality, enabling better trend analysis, and increasing transparency.

Canalix is specialised in delivering workflow automation solutions for the public sector and has vast experience with regulators and their processes. You can contacts us through the form below:

The use of automation and technology has been increasing in the public sector, including government agencies, in recent years. The adoption of automation, including automated workflows, has been driven by the need to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and provide better services to the public.

Many government agencies in Europe use automated workflows implemented within their government case management software. The adoption of automation and technology is increasing in the public sector, including regulatory agencies where Canalix has vast experience with digitalisation, as a way to improve efficiency, reduce errors, and provide better services to the public.

The exact extent of usage of automated workflows by regulatory agencies in Europe varies from country to country and from agency to agency. However, the trend is towards increased use of technology and automation.

Traditional case management systems without automation vs CMS with automated workflows

A regulatory case management system with automated workflow can provide many benefits over a traditional regulatory case management system. The main difference between a traditional case management system and a CMS with automated workflow is the level of automation and the efficiency of the process. An automated workflow can streamline the process and reduce errors, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the case management system.

An example: how adopting an automated workflow solution can improve the efficiency of inspection management software?

For example, regulatory agencies use a traditional case management system to manage the complete life cycle of a case, including case initiation, documentation, investigation, and closure. But when it comes to automating repetitive tasks, the traditional has a visible disadvantage to automation.

A regulatory case management system with automated workflow for inspections, on the other hand, is a system that includes an automated workflow process. An automated workflow is a set of predefined steps for each case. The workflow can be customised to fit the needs of the regulatory agency and can include tasks such as case initiation, documentation, investigation, and closure.

What are the problems of government agencies with traditional case management software?

There are several issues that regulators who use traditional case management systems without automated workflows may face, including:

  • Inefficiency: Traditional case management systems can be time-consuming and manual, leading to inefficiency and increased workload for regulators.
  • Lack of consistency: Without an automated workflow, there may be inconsistencies in how cases are managed, leading to errors and inefficiencies.
  • Difficulty in tracking cases: Traditional case management systems can make it difficult to track cases’ status and access relevant information.
  • Limited reporting capabilities: Traditional case management systems often need more reporting capabilities, making it difficult for regulators to access the data and information they need to make informed decisions.
  • Difficulty in collaboration: Traditional case management systems can make it difficult for regulators to collaborate with other agencies and organisations, which can hinder the efficiency and effectiveness of the regulatory process.

Overall, traditional case management systems without automated workflows can lead to inefficiency, lack of consistency, difficulty tracking cases, limited reporting capabilities, and difficulty in collaboration. These issues can be addressed by implementing an automated workflow within the case management system, which can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the regulatory process.

Can you implement an automated inspection workflow within a legacy case management system?

Implementing an automated inspection workflow within a legacy case management system is possible. However, the specifics of the implementation will depend on the capabilities of the legacy system.

In some cases, a legacy case management system may have limited functionality and may need help to support the full automation of the inspection process. In these situations, it may be necessary to integrate the legacy system with other technologies or to upgrade to a more modern system that can support automation.

However, suppose the legacy system is capable of supporting automation. In that case, implementing an automated workflow can typically be done by configuring the system to support the desired steps in the inspection process. That may include integrating the system with other technologies, such as document management systems or data management systems, to streamline the process and ensure that all relevant information is captured and stored in a central repository.

To implement an automated workflow solution within existing case management system or to adopt a new, more modern case management system with built-in automation?

The better option depends on the specific needs and resources of the regulatory agency. Here are some factors that our experts advised one of our clients who is a regulatory agency within the UK:

  1. Legacy system capabilities: If the legacy system supports the automation of the inspection process, it may be more cost-effective and efficient to implement an automated workflow solution within the existing system.
  2. Investment costs: Implementing an automated workflow solution within a legacy system may be less expensive than adopting a new, more modern case management system. However, the long-term costs of maintaining and integrating the legacy system with other technologies must also be considered.
  3. Ease of use: A new, more modern case management system may be easier to use and may have better user interfaces than a legacy system, which can make the automation of the inspection process more efficient.
  4. Data compatibility: If the legacy system cannot support the automation of the inspection process, it may be necessary to extract data from the legacy system and transfer it to a new system, which can be a time-consuming and complex process.
  5. Future needs: The regulatory agency must consider its future needs and the scalability of the case management system, as well as its ability to integrate with other technologies and systems.

In conclusion, the better option between implementing an automated workflow solution within a legacy case management system or adopting a new, more modern one depends on the regulatory agency’s specific needs and resources. Both options have advantages and disadvantages, and the decision should be based on a thorough evaluation of the agency’s specific requirements and resources.

Is it possible to implement automated workflows within government CMS with a phased approach?

One of the most common questions we receive from leads and new customers is if our workflow automation services and solutions can be adopted stage-by-stage by public sector organisations. And the answer is yes; it is possible to implement an automated workflow solution within a case management system phase-by-phase, starting with the easiest workflow to automate. This approach allows the government agency to adopt automation gradually. 

More specifically, our experience with regulatory agencies is that the phased approach helps them reduce the implementation’s risk and impact and ensure that the new processes are properly tested and refined before expanding to other areas of the inspection management process.

An example of a phased approach to inspection automation workflow adoption:

Phase 1: Automate the initiation process: In this phase, the agency can automate the process of creating a new inspection case file, assigning inspectors, and notifying stakeholders. This helps ensure that inspections are initiated on time and that the right people are notified.

Phase 2: Automate documentation: In this phase, the agency can automate the process of capturing inspection findings, generating reports, and storing documents. This helps ensure that all relevant information is captured and stored in a centralised repository.

Phase 3: Automate the investigation process: In this phase, the agency can automate the process of identifying potential issues, generating recommendations, and resolving problems. This helps ensure that inspections are thoroughly investigated and that potential issues are addressed.

Phase 4: Automate the closure process: In this phase, the agency can automate the process of finalising reports, notifying stakeholders, and archiving case files. This helps ensure that inspections are properly closed and that all relevant information is stored for future reference.

Phase 5: Integration with other systems: In this phase, the agency can integrate the automated inspection management system with other systems, such as GIS, licensing databases, and enforcement systems, to create a unified view of all inspection activities. Cross agency coordination of inspection and e enforcement activities to lessen the impact on the inspectee is also a common procedure we suggest to our public sector costumers.

Overall, this phased approach allows our clients from the regulatory sector to gradually adopt automation and to ensure that the new processes are properly tested, their functions is aligned with the existing inspection management software, and refined before expanding to other areas of the inspection process.

automated inspection workflow solutions

What’s the important role in automated inspections?

Automated inspections play a crucial role in many industries, particularly in government and regulatory agencies. Automated inspection management helps them streamline and standardise processes, reduce the risk of human error, and increase efficiency and accuracy.  In general, integrating automation into inspection management software can be a complex process, but with the right resources, tools, and support, it can be done effectively and efficiently. It’s important to work with experienced professionals who have a good understanding of the inspection process and the software being used to ensure a successful integration.


The phased approach to adopting automated workflows in a regulatory case management system provides several benefits, including:

  1. Reduced risk: Implementing an automated workflow solution in stages helps to reduce the risk of implementing a large, complex solution, as it allows the agency to gradually adopt automation and test the new processes before expanding to other areas of the inspection process.
  2. Improved efficiency: Automating the inspection process in stages can help improve the agency’s efficiency. It allows the agency to identify and address any bottlenecks or inefficiencies before expanding to other areas.
  3. Increased transparency: Automated workflows can provide increased transparency into the inspection process, making it easier to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Better data quality: Automated workflows can help to improve the quality of the data captured during inspections, as they can help to ensure that all relevant information is captured and stored in a central repository.
  5. Improved stakeholder engagement: Automated workflows can help to improve stakeholder engagement, as they can help to ensure that stakeholders are notified promptly and are kept informed of the progress of inspections.
  6. Lower costs: Automated workflows can reduce the costs associated with inspections, as they can streamline processes and reduce the need for manual data entry and document management.

Overall, the phased approach to adopting automated workflows in a government case management system provides a more controlled and effective way to implement automation across different government agencies, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process that is being automated.

Can we help you with government workflow automation? Do you need an automated inspection management system? Just drop us a message and we will answer.

Modernising legacy IT systems in a government agency can be challenging. Sometimes it becomes more challenging than initially expected. When our case management experts get asked about their experience with modernising legacy IT systems in the public sector, they admit that sometimes things are more complicated compared to projects in the private sector. In this blog post, we’ll discuss three major pain points in modernising government legacy IT systems. For that, we asked our experts to share their successful strategies in tackling the most common challenges they meet in public sector IT modernisation projects.

Related: How to write a good request for proposal for government case management system?

Modernising legacy case management systems with heavy technical debt

Over time, legacy systems can become complex, with many patches and workarounds added to maintain functionality. This can make upgrading or replacing the systems difficult and disrupt existing processes. Therefore technical debt is one of the most common pain points for government agencies seeking to update their IT legacy systems. Part of the reasons for that are:

  • The legacy case management system is often based on outdated technologies that are no longer supported or need to meet current security and compliance standards.
  • Legacy systems may have been built over many years, with numerous patches and workarounds added to maintain functionality.
  • It’s common for legacy systems to have integrations with other systems that are difficult to replace or that need to be updated as part of the modernisation project.
  • Modernising legacy systems can be expensive, requiring significant technological, staff, and resource investments. CIOs must consider the long-term cost of maintaining the systems over time.
  • Risk of failure: legacy systems may have vulnerabilities or weaknesses discovered over time, and CIOs must assess the risk of failure as part of the modernisation project.

As part of their strategy, CIOs must consider the complexity, cost, and risk of failure associated with technical debt when planning a modernisation project.

Related: Everything you should know about buying a public sector case management software off-the-shelf

Data migration when updating the existing case management platform

Migrating large amounts of data from legacy systems to new case management platforms can be a time-consuming and complex process, requiring specialised expertise and careful planning. It is a critical aspect of modernising a legacy system. Here are some key considerations for data migration that our experts shared:

  • Data quality: data migration can reveal issues with data quality, such as duplicates, missing values, and inconsistent formats. CIOs must ensure that the data is cleaned and standardised before migration to ensure the new system is accurate and usable.
  • Data mapping: Data mapping is the process of mapping data from the legacy system to the new platform, and it is critical to ensuring that the data is transferred accurately. CIOs must work with stakeholders to understand the data structure and relationships and to define the mapping rules.
  • Data security: Data migration can be sensitive, especially in a regulatory agency. CIOs must ensure that data is protected and that security measures are in place to prevent unauthorised access or theft.
  • Data archiving: Legacy systems may contain historical data that is no longer needed for daily operations, but that must be retained for compliance purposes. CIOs must consider data archiving options to ensure that the data is preserved and accessible.
  • Data testing: Data migration is a complex process. CIOs must conduct thorough testing to ensure that the data is transferred accurately and that the new system is functioning as expected.

CIOs must carefully plan and execute the migration to ensure that data is protected, accurate, and accessible. Internal teams can ensure a successful data migration and a modern, efficient case management system by working with stakeholders and following best practices.

Resistance to change

Resistance to change can be a common challenge when modernising a legacy IT system for inspection management processes, as staff may be familiar with the existing system and may be wary of new technology. Here are some strategies that our experts recommend to CIOs to tackle resistance to change:

  • Communication: Clear and effective communication is key to managing resistance to change. CIOs should involve staff early in the modernisation process and keep them informed about the benefits and goals of the project. This can help to build trust and reduce anxiety about change.
  • Providing training on the new system can help staff feel confident and prepared for the transition. CIOs should consider offering training sessions and resources that allow staff to learn at their own pace.
  • Engaging staff in the modernisation process can help build buy-in and reduce resistance. CIOs should solicit feedback and ideas from staff and involve them in testing and validation activities.

A modular and phased approach to modernisation can help manage resistance by allowing staff to adjust gradually to change. CIOs should break the modernisation project into smaller, manageable components and implement them incrementally.


Case study: Why the phased approach of adopting an inspection management software is a good tactic?

Read it to understand:

    • The advantages of modular digital transformation
    • The vital architectural practices and technologies that enable modular transformation
    • How a regulatory agency in the UK is benefitting from a modular approach with Canalix.

Emphasising the benefits of the new system can help reduce resistance. CIOs should highlight the benefits for staff, such as increased efficiency, improved functionality, and a better user experience.

In conclusion, managing resistance to change is an important aspect of modernising a legacy IT system and government case management software. CIOs should take a proactive approach to communication, training, and engagement to build buy-in and ensure a smooth transition. By involving staff and emphasising the new system’s benefits, CIOs can overcome resistance and deliver a successful modernisation project.

Ask us more about Canalix, a case management system for government agencies:

The rise of health and safety inspection platforms transformed regulators not only in terms of digitalisation but also in terms of changing the role of inspection software from a tool to a service that allows the integration of other tools as well. IoT technologies are a great example of a tool that can optimise the inspection model by being integrated into an existing inspection platform. Before going deeper into this topic, let’s have a quick look at the definition of IoT:

What is IoT?

IoT (Internet of Things) is the connection between devices and the internet that serves to register changes in the environment. This information is often used to inform decisions and transform many sectors into smarter versions of themselves.

IoT has a big optimisation impact on safety inspections by helping regulators enforce inspection activity when they receive IoT notifications for dangerous activity registered by IoT sensors. The faster notification for high-risk events is a prerequisite for more effective risk mitigation that may save lives.

How the IoT can be integrated into the inspection management system?

There are as many IoT examples, as there are many regulatory sectors in the inspection software segment. For example, if we’re managing food safety inspections in restaurants, we must regularly run inspect checks on how food is being stored. By installing temperature sensors in the fridges that collect data and sends it to the inspection platform, the inspection prioritisation becomes more efficient, because the IoT devices improve safety, reduce costs for unnecessary inspection checks and enables safety inspectors to spend their time on jobs with a relevant risk score.

Related: Food safety inspection and digital transformation

IoT devices may collect complex information that enables inspectors to predict accidents and therefore mitigate high risks on time. The inspection platform enables inspectors to do their job smarter, while IoT helps inspection platforms to become more helpful and provide more actionable information for the tasks that matter the most.

IoT making inspection services smarter – who benefits the most?

The use of inspection software for document management, inspection tracking, scheduling and planning, reports generation etc. gives regulators better visibility on where safety inspectors should focus their time. IoT gives them better visibility on what’s happening in the environment. If the inspection software categories a field of wind turbines as a low-risk entity for the next 6 months due to a recent inspection outcome report, then a thunderstorm may occur and require a new inspection due to a change in the environment. IoT provides inspection platforms with this data and therefore the actionable insight from the platform becomes more valuable.

Integrating IoT on inspection platforms is more than an alarm notification feature. It’s a new way to approach risk management in safety inspections. For more information on how your inspection process can benefit from inspection software and IoT integration, contact us here.

How Canalix transforms the world of regulatory inspections?

Team-leads of inspection teams in regulatory agencies often have problems with knowing what’s happening during safety inspections on high-risk cases. Are the complex inspection procedures kept from A to Z? Is there something missing that may increase the risk of hazard? ‘Team leaders can hardly get their eyes on these data when the process is being performed with paper checklists and documents. That’s why they need a digital safety inspections tool. That way, they can pull inspection data from different inspectors, inspectees, risk categories and have a clear vision of what’s going on.

The most prominent benefits of adopting inspection management software are connected with the strategic plans of regulators to combat the challenges they face – reducing operational costs and improving efficiency and quality of inspections. But these priorities must also go hand to hand with enhancing the safety strategy. In the world of regulatory compliance, integration is everything. So it’s safe to say that the fact there are already integrated inspection platforms on the market helps regulators improve their safety strategies in line with other cost-reduction priorities.

So how does a digital inspection platform works to enable regulators to track and improve safety?

Inspection team-leads have one centralised source of data

Are inspectors able to capture the risk factors that require preventative maintenance? This type of question can hardly be answered if a team leader has to check data every week, delivered in a paper folder. 

Being able to download reports and data from a cloud-based inspection platform makes the needed difference. That way, regulatory executives and team leaders can have a standardised method of measuring the system’s efficiency and how it compares to improving safety.

Making inspection reports effective by removing the waiting

inspection tracking software

Inspection tracking with a paper-based system is complicated. By the time you start making sense of the data, the data becomes outdated. That’s why a digital inspection report solution is the key that regulators need to combat manual report processing. That’s the most effective way to extract required data into a dashboard and have an inspection report that makes sense without spending tons of time going through paper folders and pdf files all over your mailbox. 

Read more: How to combat the impacts of resource-constrained inspection scheduling?

Document Workflow


With a paper-based inspection management system, it’s hard to update every member of an inspection team with real-time data, reports and other documents. Printing documents and then distributing their content manually to everyone’s desk is complicated. With a digital inspection tool, that’s not necessary anymore because everyone can see all relevant documents uploaded in the tasks he’s assigned.


Inspectors can use tech as their assistance

The use of pen and paper is one of the great assistance the civilisation invented. But technology is even better. Inspectors can use their mobile devices while performing digital inspections to capture photos or videos and attach them to the inspection file in the cloud. With cloud inspection software, inspectors can upload additional files while being on-site. If they have to go back to the office and present the other files later, the efficiency of inspections may suffer. Enabling inspectors to provide additional context while making inspections is a sure way to improve safety.

Related: How SaaS inspection platforms can help regulators build resiliency after the pandemic?


Make decisions faster

In 2022 regulators can’t reduce operational costs by using paper-based inspection systems. The use of an integrated inspection management platform is the way for inspection team leaders to make smarter decisions towards improving public safety and compliance. Nonetheless, it enables them to translate their decisions about improving safety better to relevant decision-makers and initiate the needed changes faster. 

Do you want to know what an integrated inspection platform looks like? Book a free product tour with Canalix.


The use of proper inspection tracking software is crucial for the ability of regulators to solve problems on and off-site. This ability can be negatively affected by incorrect data, missed actions during an inspection, etc. Using a standalone inspection tracking tool and other tools may not work well enough. Or the regulator may not be using an inspection tracking tool at all. Whatever the reason, there is a solution that solves the problems with tracking issues and risks in regulatory inspections.

Collaboration in inspection teams

Collaboration is the key to making inspections happen faster. The corrective nature of inspection checks requires special attention to the collaborative features an inspection software must provide to regulators. Our clients from the regulatory sector report that collaboration via inspection management platform reduces the time needed to complete actions during inspections. That enables inspection teams to move on to the next tasks in their to-do list faster than before.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

CASE STUDY: How a regulatory agency cut costs with resource scheduling software?
          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

How inspection teams’ collaboration is enabled on inspection platforms?

A digital document management system plays a crucial role in collaboration. Canalix enables inspection teams to connect and share documents in real-time to deliver this kind of usability so that other inspection team members can see relevant data when they need it. This document management function helps inspection teams not only in terms of collaboration but also for:


When an inspection system operates digitally, it’s easy to make updates on communication with inspection teams automatically in real-time. Our clients share that they appreciate highly the clear channel of communication that Canalix provided for them. 

Inspection tracking

With a digital inspection management system like Canalix is far easier to monitor and track the high-risk cases and their potential risks. First, the digital format allows inspection teams to monitor inspections over time with just a few clicks. They don’t have to dig in a pile of paper. Monitoring and tracking risks with a historical perspective enable inspection teams to handle potential threats and improve safety.

Automated inspection reports with easy sharing

It’s remarkable that a machine automatically generates inspection reports based on inspection data. But it’s even cooler to share the essential data with clients, inspectors, administrators or other authorised personnel. Depending on the information access of different groups, the reports can be easily modified to include only tailored information for their level of access.

inspection management analytics software

How real-time data makes the inspection tracking system more efficient?

When our inspections are done faster, safety is ensured more efficiently. It’s all due to a variety of factors. But convenient inspection tracking and monitoring, digital collaboration and real-time data are the most important. 

When these functionalities are accessible on an inspection platform in the cloud, inspection teams can reach their efficiency potential on various devices. Canalix is an inspection platform that delivers this model to regulatory inspection teams. Request a free product tour here.

RelatedHow to optimise inspection services?

In 2022 the use of paper-based processes is perceived as something old-fashioned. However, paper-based processes are still a thing in conservative structures like government agencies. Countries with well-developed digital government strategies are good examples of leaving the paper behind. Their experience proves that digitalisation makes things work better than before – reduces the cost of processes, improves efficiency and shifts the focus towards transparency.

The regulatory sector is an excellent example of the transition from paper to digital-based processes because it involves different actors – behind the desk and on the field that work with enormous volumes of paper. A significant difference can be seen in the operational costs before and after the transitioning to inspection management software.

Reducing the operational costs of inspections is just a tiny part of the benefits of paperless inspection solutions. Here are more of them:

  1. Cost of storage

Cloud-based inspection software is cheaper because storing and digitally accessing files is the opposite of the complex logistics behind paper-based inspection procedures. So going paperless is a key to new opportunities. Doing it with a reliable inspection management platform guarantees to achieve a new efficiency level.

2. Access inspection data & files anywhere, anytime

The cloud-based inspection software means that every bit of information about inspection procedures is at a click away. That’s something that can’t be said about the old-fashioned paper-based system. Digitalisation in the work of regulators is a big chance that, once being embraced, makes the use of paper an unimaginable reality.

3. Team leaders can be sure they are on track with inspection software.

One of the most incredible things about cloud-based inspection platforms is that they work as inspection tracking software. Team leaders can use real-time data, visible at one place, to ensure that the inspections are performed per the predefined goals (checks per day, hours of review conducting, etc.) Having visibility on the critical metrics is the most effective way for goal-oriented inspection planning.

Of course, this benefit is achievable with paper as well. But it takes much more time and effort. Doing it with a digital inspection solution happens fast and minimises errors.

4. Customisation of inspection checklists based on complexity or other risk factors

When sites with high-risk scores and specific requirements have to be inspected, it’s good to have an inspector with attention to detail. It requires effort and more time to check the small details surrounding complex inspections; therefore, it’s more likely to generate errors in this type of inspection. One way to solve these problems is by using paperless inspection software to check whether the inspection checklist is filled as per the standards required for the type of inspected entity. Try solving this with paper – it will be much more challenging.

5. Public transparency

Completing inspections in a digital environment allows inspectors to automatically generate reviews, publish them to the cloud, and deliver them to the inspected entity. The inspection software allows everyone to transparently access the inspection outcome and undertake the required action if needed. Transparency facilitates the inspection process for everyone involved and enables interested parties to take required steps as soon as possible and, therefore, improve their compliance for future checks.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

What kind of paperless inspection software can solve these problems?

Canalix transforms old-legacy paper-based inspection programs into paperless inspection solutions. It allows regulators to start only with a separate module – like our resource optimisation module and then transition to the complete inspection management solution if needed. With Canalix, inspectors can perform inspections via tablet, laptop, desktop devices, etc. Its user-oriented nature allows us to configure it according to the specific requirements of the regulators for the sake of maximum efficiency. Get in touch if you’d like us to tell you how we do it in a 15-min free product tour.

Intelligent use of resources is crucial for effective regulatory inspection management. If human resources such as inspectors are scarce and the number of inspection requests progressively grows, the regulatory function of any agency would suffer.

How do we solve the human resource scarcity in regulatory inspections?

The most obvious answer would be to raise the number of available resources. However, that would also cost more. The use of public expenses requires regulators to spend them wisely. The efforts to improve efficiency should be directed not to acquire new resources but rather to manage existing resources more optimally. It requires good inspection planning and scheduling because mismanagement of resources can easily lead to waste and less efficiency. 

RelatedResource optimisation and regulators – the good practices from the private sector

modular digital transformationWhy is modularity crucial for your digital transformation strategy in 2022?

Download this whitepaper to understand:

        • The advantages of modular digital transformation
        • The vital architectural practices and technologies that enable modular transformation
        • Migration strategies to minimize disruption for the business and customers
        • How Jobtimizer can help public sector organisations make the transition
        • How a regulatory agency in the UK is benefitting from a modular approach


Read it now.

Good news for regulators looking forward to resource optimisation

Regulators that want to optimise their resource management can choose among different resource optimisation software tools. The variety of solutions may be overwhelming, so the research process is a bit of a challenge. If you type “What’s the ideal resource management tool for regulatory inspections” on google, you’ll hardly find a good answer. 

RelatedImplementing resource scheduling software in the inspection workflow

Let’s try to answer these questions ourselves in this improvised guide. What can we consider as a good option for resource optimisation software? Which are the resource management features that an inspection planning software should offer? But before starting with these questions, let’s start with the WHY.

Why do regulators need resource management tools?

With resource management software, regulators can reach a higher efficiency level by utilising the existing resources better. A good resource management tool enables team leaders in regulatory agencies to keep track of who’s doing what and make better resource allocation decisions.

A resource management software like Canalix’s Jobtimizer is helping regulators to schedule and assign inspections to available resources – inspectors. As part of the platform CANALIX, Jotbtimizer can take resource scheduling to the next level by using an automated inspection risk scoring system and assigning high-risk cases with priority over low-risk cases. That helps in deploying the workforce at the right time to the right place – whether it be an on-site inspection, virtual remote inspection or self-inspection.

RelatedThe intersection point between remote inspections and resource allocation optimisation.

The use of an inspection management platform that combines resource scheduling, regulatory case management software, project management, etc., is essential for regulators because using a separate tool for each of these objectives is too time-consuming and can harm the productivity of inspection teams.

So, in a nutshell, regulators need resource management tools to ensure optimal resource utilisation, transparency, control and foreseeing problems.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

CASE STUDY: How a regulatory agency cut costs with resource scheduling software?
          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

How to identify a regulator-friendly resource management software?

How can you identify a resource scheduling software that works well for regulatory inspections? Here’s a checklist with the most critical resource scheduling features:

  • Complete visibility on inspections – performance, tracking and analytics. Having full visibility on inspection teams helps leaders pipeline their pending checks and help inspectors complete crucial tasks in time. Also, having good visibility on inspection performance via dashboard helps to reduce errors and always allocate the right resource to the right job.

inspection management analytics software

  • Paperless planning. Managing a physical calendar and filling it with inspectors’ schedules is unnecessarily complicated. The digital era changed this for good. But is it enough? No, it isn’t. Resource management tools like Jobtimizer go the extra mile and transfer all of the scheduling and paper-based operations in the cloud. It means that inspectors always have access and back up to their schedules and get real-time updates.
  • High configuration – one of the definitions that describe Jobtimizer best is its’ high configuration. What does a high configuration resource management software mean? It means that regulators can speed up their inspection processes by easily integrating the software with other platforms so that efficiency can remain high.

inspection case management

Resource planning on SaaS inspection platform

There are two types of software solutions when speaking of resource management – SaaS and installed on-premise software. The cloud-based SaaS inspection software can be used on any device, no matter where. In comparison, the on-premise installed software has limitations in that regard. 

Related: How resource optimisation improves task management in regulatory inspection

Since regulatory inspections require lots of fieldwork and mobility, SaaS resource management software is the more recommended option. It delivers flexibility and freedom to ensure convenience for inspectors and inspection teams.

How to find a resource planning tool? Where do we search? How do we compare prices?

Almost every research starts by typing a question in the google search bar. Many software marketplaces provide brief descriptions of different products. Comparing features and reviews is easy, but also -trying the free trial / live-demo version is essential before jumping to any conclusion based on automated comparison via a marketplace.

RelatedIs inspection optimisation a risky digital transformation project?


It doesn’t matter if a regulator performs 5 000 or 50 000 thousands inspection a year. In both cases, resources must be managed intelligently. By following this guide, regulatory agencies can easily find a decent inspection management system for their resource optimisation objectives and deploy it successfully for better inspection management.

If you want Canalix to do the first steps for you, contact us now.

The smart use of resources is crucial for the economic growth of one of the most successful products in the United States. Uber, Airbnb, etc. are just some of the examples of  innovative products that employ technology to optimise the allocation of existing resources under a set of constraints. The entrepreneurial spirit of that kind spreads to the public sector as well, even though there it has its own challenges.

The so-called optimising economy impacts the public sector in a unique way. Government structures are trying to keep up with the trends, but at the same time, they are extra careful not to disrupt the existing procedures that are designed to maintain public safety. If we look at the government regulatory sector, we’d see a lot of opportunities for optimisation that match the trends in the economy via better resource allocation and asset optimisation.

Related: Remote inspections as the key to reopening the EU economy

What’s the common between optimising economy sectors?

Looking at the private sector and optimising economy products such as Airbnb, Uber, Lyft, etc., we can identify three pillars of optimisation: 

  • Customisation
  • Automated data analysis
  • Distributed resources.

These three pillars are transferable to the public sector’s optimisation effort as well. But for their potential to be fully realised, some challenges must be overcome.

Challenges for the regulators

The optimising economy, in a nutshell, can be explained in terms of contextualising – to turn an existing process into a better version of itself – to utilise resources smartly and realise the hidden potential of resources that haven’t been used before. However, governments are not good at contextualising, they are good at standardisation (to make rules that are equal for everyone). However, standartisation and generalisation are keeping government at bay to resist customisation – one of the three pillars of the optimising economy. Therefore the gap between the technological advancements in the private sector and the public sector grows. 

Optimising the government and the regulators – the example of the USA

The growing gap between customisation in the private sector and the standardisation in the public sector is one of the big challenges for governance in the US economy. It’s interesting to see how a country with well developed economy that relies on technologies such as cloud, AI, machine learning and data analytics is adopting the same technologies to optimise its regulatory resources better.

The US government’s challenges towards resource allocation optimisation

Since the use of computer systems is present in all government structures, one must think that it would be easy to optimise the regulatory inspection process. However, to achieve that, one must find a way to combine databases across the federal government and use AI to turn regulatory inspections into a more efficient process. Looking at this challenge Adam Finkel and Richard Berk at the Penn Program on Regulation have shown that the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration could improve its targeting of inspection resources dramatically by combining and applying AI, machine learning and data-driven automation to disparate governmental and private-sector databases. This analysis serves as an example of where the road to optimising the regulatory sector could start from and how challenges can be confronted. Some US regulators like the Environmental Protection Agency are considering how remote sensing can be used for improving regulatory monitoring. This on the other hand is an example for creativity as a mean to optimise the government sector.

Related: What resource optimisation means for regulators after the pandemic is over?


The major limitations for more optimal government are the resource constraints. Confronting resource constraints is a key factor for optimising public services. Creativity also has a big part in the equation for a more optimised government. Canalix as an inspection optimisation system helps regulators overcome the challenges that stand in their way to growth and efficiency – not only in terms of digital infrastructure but also in the creative part. For example, regulators that use Canalix for inspection planning and resource allocation improved their smart work by introducing remote inspections and self-inspections in the optimisation equation.

Watch how they did it in our video:

How Canalix transforms the world of regulatory inspections?