Team-leads of inspection teams in regulatory agencies often have problems with knowing what’s happening during safety inspections on high-risk cases. Are the complex inspection procedures kept from A to Z? Is there something missing that may increase the risk of hazard? ‘Team leaders can hardly get their eyes on these data when the process is being performed with paper checklists and documents. That’s why they need a digital safety inspections tool. That way, they can pull inspection data from different inspectors, inspectees, risk categories and have a clear vision of what’s going on.

The most prominent benefits of adopting inspection management software are connected with the strategic plans of regulators to combat the challenges they face – reducing operational costs and improving efficiency and quality of inspections. But these priorities must also go hand to hand with enhancing the safety strategy. In the world of regulatory compliance, integration is everything. So it’s safe to say that the fact there are already integrated inspection platforms on the market helps regulators improve their safety strategies in line with other cost-reduction priorities.

So how does a digital inspection platform works to enable regulators to track and improve safety?

Inspection team-leads have one centralised source of data

Are inspectors able to capture the risk factors that require preventative maintenance? This type of question can hardly be answered if a team leader has to check data every week, delivered in a paper folder. 

Being able to download reports and data from a cloud-based inspection platform makes the needed difference. That way, regulatory executives and team leaders can have a standardised method of measuring the system’s efficiency and how it compares to improving safety.

Making inspection reports effective by removing the waiting

inspection tracking software

Inspection tracking with a paper-based system is complicated. By the time you start making sense of the data, the data becomes outdated. That’s why a digital inspection report solution is the key that regulators need to combat manual report processing. That’s the most effective way to extract required data into a dashboard and have an inspection report that makes sense without spending tons of time going through paper folders and pdf files all over your mailbox. 

Read more: How to combat the impacts of resource-constrained inspection scheduling?

Document Workflow


With a paper-based inspection management system, it’s hard to update every member of an inspection team with real-time data, reports and other documents. Printing documents and then distributing their content manually to everyone’s desk is complicated. With a digital inspection tool, that’s not necessary anymore because everyone can see all relevant documents uploaded in the tasks he’s assigned.


Inspectors can use tech as their assistance

The use of pen and paper is one of the great assistance the civilisation invented. But technology is even better. Inspectors can use their mobile devices while performing digital inspections to capture photos or videos and attach them to the inspection file in the cloud. With cloud inspection software, inspectors can upload additional files while being on-site. If they have to go back to the office and present the other files later, the efficiency of inspections may suffer. Enabling inspectors to provide additional context while making inspections is a sure way to improve safety.

Related: How SaaS inspection platforms can help regulators build resiliency after the pandemic?


Make decisions faster

In 2022 regulators can’t reduce operational costs by using paper-based inspection systems. The use of an integrated inspection management platform is the way for inspection team leaders to make smarter decisions towards improving public safety and compliance. Nonetheless, it enables them to translate their decisions about improving safety better to relevant decision-makers and initiate the needed changes faster. 

Do you want to know what an integrated inspection platform looks like? Book a free product tour with Canalix.


The use of proper inspection tracking software is crucial for the ability of regulators to solve problems on and off-site. This ability can be negatively affected by incorrect data, missed actions during an inspection, etc. Using a standalone inspection tracking tool and other tools may not work well enough. Or the regulator may not be using an inspection tracking tool at all. Whatever the reason, there is a solution that solves the problems with tracking issues and risks in regulatory inspections.

Collaboration in inspection teams

Collaboration is the key to making inspections happen faster. The corrective nature of inspection checks requires special attention to the collaborative features an inspection software must provide to regulators. Our clients from the regulatory sector report that collaboration via inspection management platform reduces the time needed to complete actions during inspections. That enables inspection teams to move on to the next tasks in their to-do list faster than before.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

CASE STUDY: How a regulatory agency cut costs with resource scheduling software?
          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

How inspection teams’ collaboration is enabled on inspection platforms?

A digital document management system plays a crucial role in collaboration. Canalix enables inspection teams to connect and share documents in real-time to deliver this kind of usability so that other inspection team members can see relevant data when they need it. This document management function helps inspection teams not only in terms of collaboration but also for:


When an inspection system operates digitally, it’s easy to make updates on communication with inspection teams automatically in real-time. Our clients share that they appreciate highly the clear channel of communication that Canalix provided for them. 

Inspection tracking

With a digital inspection management system like Canalix is far easier to monitor and track the high-risk cases and their potential risks. First, the digital format allows inspection teams to monitor inspections over time with just a few clicks. They don’t have to dig in a pile of paper. Monitoring and tracking risks with a historical perspective enable inspection teams to handle potential threats and improve safety.

Automated inspection reports with easy sharing

It’s remarkable that a machine automatically generates inspection reports based on inspection data. But it’s even cooler to share the essential data with clients, inspectors, administrators or other authorised personnel. Depending on the information access of different groups, the reports can be easily modified to include only tailored information for their level of access.

inspection management analytics software

How real-time data makes the inspection tracking system more efficient?

When our inspections are done faster, safety is ensured more efficiently. It’s all due to a variety of factors. But convenient inspection tracking and monitoring, digital collaboration and real-time data are the most important. 

When these functionalities are accessible on an inspection platform in the cloud, inspection teams can reach their efficiency potential on various devices. Canalix is an inspection platform that delivers this model to regulatory inspection teams. Request a free product tour here.

RelatedHow to optimise inspection services?

The global pandemic brought a new normal and slowly started pushing regulators and their inspection services to a new digital reality. The long term effects of this crisis change are yet to be defined, but it made one thing sure – technology is the future of regulatory inspection services.

The pandemic boosted the digital changes in the public sector, but it also revealed that these changes started way before the pandemic swamped the world. So that makes two things that public sector IT leaders must acknowledge:

  • that the debate whether regulators need digital transformation is over;
  • public sector institutions must work together to accelerate and optimise the use of technology to bring public services closer to the public.

To optimise the use of technology, regulators must not only merge technology with inspection services but also ensure that it’s done in a manner that will make them resilient in times of changes and challenges. 

Based on the changes that were brought by the ongoing global pandemic, it’s evident that technology transformed many public services. The regulators had to transform their inspection models so that they can deal with the growing backlog of inspection requests in terms of limited capabilities to perform inspections due to social distance requirements, etc. 

How Canalix transforms the world of regulatory inspections?

The digital transformation conversation before the pandemic

For the public sector regulators, the conversation about digital transformation was on a relatively early stage before the pandemic. But the crisis changed that and now everything happens faster than before. Regulators had to change their pace and start transforming overnight. The fast change directed their focus to the use of cloud-based saas inspection software – a convenient type of solution for the urgent necessity of the new reality.

Those who successfully transformed their regulatory inspection services before the pandemic, moved their operation workloads in the cloud and scaled their inspection models for the digital world with workflows for remote inspections or self-submission portals for self-inspections. Since many regulators saw growth of inspection requests during lockdowns and after lockdowns, these kind of changes enabled them to continue their oversight function effectively.  They were able to score the complexity of each inspection request and assign self-inspections to low complexity requests and on-site visits by an inspector on high complexity cases. In other words they had the tool to react to the crisis and respond with adapted inspection service model.

Whether regulators were ready or not for this kind of change, it happened and it is here to stay. So what’s going to happen in the next couple of months in terms of digital transformation in regulatory agencies? The answer is digital optimisation. 

The digital optimisation conversation after the pandemic

Saying that the conversation about whether regulators need digital transformation or not is over doesn’t mean that the regulators achieved digital maturity and mastered the power of digitalisation to perfection. It means that it’s not a question anymore, it’s an integral part of regulatory inspections. In other words, digitalisation and inspection services are going to be intertwined from now on and regulators need to find the way to optimisation in technology usage and deployment.

The pandemic as a stress test for the digital adoption go inspection software

Even though billions were spent on digital transformation in the public sector before the pandemic, most of the initiatives in the regulatory sector were in constant progress aiming to change the data infrastructure, moving operations to the cloud and leveraging on AI for different use cases – automatically assessing the complexity and risk level of cases and assigning the most optimal inspection routes. However, the challenges that accompany the transformation of an old legacy system made these initiatives take significantly longer. Therefore the progress often was slow. 

The lack of urgency made institutions reactionary towards changes. Their digital transformation efforts were seen only as a reaction to the changing habits of their customers – the public. The pandemic situation brought urgency into the digital transformation strategy of many institutions including regulatory agencies. The regulators themselves recommended institutions to examine their disaster recovery plans and prioritise coordination with their technology and cloud providers. The pandemic brought regulators not only to the realisation that digital transformation is urgent, but it also provided a path from transformation to optimisation and digital acceleration of regulatory inspections.

Lessons for the inspection services after the big pandemic stress test

The pandemic has shown that regulators can grow their efficiency in the reality of the new normal. So what are the key considerations for IT leaders and CIOS from regulatory agencies? For regulators technology optimisation is linked to the efficiency of their oversight function. The way to acceleration and optimisation for them goes through inspection data analytics tools, AI systems and resource management tools that enable them to scale and continue to provide their critical oversight functions. The harmony between technology and inspection services is yet to be found, but the acceleration for that to happen is turned on. Canalix is an inspection software platform that is built to address the urgency of the new post-pandemic reality and the challenges it created for regulators. Contact us to help you with your digital acceleration strategy now.

In 2022 the use of paper-based processes is perceived as something old-fashioned. However, paper-based processes are still a thing in conservative structures like government agencies. Countries with well-developed digital government strategies are good examples of leaving the paper behind. Their experience proves that digitalisation makes things work better than before – reduces the cost of processes, improves efficiency and shifts the focus towards transparency.

The regulatory sector is an excellent example of the transition from paper to digital-based processes because it involves different actors – behind the desk and on the field that work with enormous volumes of paper. A significant difference can be seen in the operational costs before and after the transitioning to inspection management software.

Reducing the operational costs of inspections is just a tiny part of the benefits of paperless inspection solutions. Here are more of them:

  1. Cost of storage

Cloud-based inspection software is cheaper because storing and digitally accessing files is the opposite of the complex logistics behind paper-based inspection procedures. So going paperless is a key to new opportunities. Doing it with a reliable inspection management platform guarantees to achieve a new efficiency level.

2. Access inspection data & files anywhere, anytime

The cloud-based inspection software means that every bit of information about inspection procedures is at a click away. That’s something that can’t be said about the old-fashioned paper-based system. Digitalisation in the work of regulators is a big chance that, once being embraced, makes the use of paper an unimaginable reality.

3. Team leaders can be sure they are on track with inspection software.

One of the most incredible things about cloud-based inspection platforms is that they work as inspection tracking software. Team leaders can use real-time data, visible at one place, to ensure that the inspections are performed per the predefined goals (checks per day, hours of review conducting, etc.) Having visibility on the critical metrics is the most effective way for goal-oriented inspection planning.

Of course, this benefit is achievable with paper as well. But it takes much more time and effort. Doing it with a digital inspection solution happens fast and minimises errors.

4. Customisation of inspection checklists based on complexity or other risk factors

When sites with high-risk scores and specific requirements have to be inspected, it’s good to have an inspector with attention to detail. It requires effort and more time to check the small details surrounding complex inspections; therefore, it’s more likely to generate errors in this type of inspection. One way to solve these problems is by using paperless inspection software to check whether the inspection checklist is filled as per the standards required for the type of inspected entity. Try solving this with paper – it will be much more challenging.

5. Public transparency

Completing inspections in a digital environment allows inspectors to automatically generate reviews, publish them to the cloud, and deliver them to the inspected entity. The inspection software allows everyone to transparently access the inspection outcome and undertake the required action if needed. Transparency facilitates the inspection process for everyone involved and enables interested parties to take required steps as soon as possible and, therefore, improve their compliance for future checks.

Resource optimization and business scheduling software

          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

What kind of paperless inspection software can solve these problems?

Canalix transforms old-legacy paper-based inspection programs into paperless inspection solutions. It allows regulators to start only with a separate module – like our resource optimisation module and then transition to the complete inspection management solution if needed. With Canalix, inspectors can perform inspections via tablet, laptop, desktop devices, etc. Its user-oriented nature allows us to configure it according to the specific requirements of the regulators for the sake of maximum efficiency. Get in touch if you’d like us to tell you how we do it in a 15-min free product tour.