What guides the expanding digital government societies in Europe? With the accelerated adoption of digital transformation in the public sector, there comes the need to define the values of digitalisation for the future. This was the main purpose of The Berlin Declaration that was signed by the EU Member States.

What are the values of the digital government societies? According to the Berlin Declaration the main digital government values are:

  1. Validity and respect of fundamental rights and democratic values in the digital sphere;
  2. Social participation and digital inclusion to shape the digital world;
  3. Empowerment and digital literacy, allowing all citizens to participate in the digital sphere;
  4. Trust and security in digital government interactions, allowing everyone to navigate the digital world safely, authenticate and be digitally recognised within the EU conveniently;
  5. Digital sovereignty and interoperability, as a key in ensuring the ability of citizens and public administrations to make decisions and act self-determined in the digital world;
  6. Human-centred systems and innovative technologies in the public sector, strengthening its pioneering role in the research on secure and trustworthy technology design;
  7. A resilient and sustainable digital society, preserving our natural foundations of life in line with the Green Deal and using digital technologies to enhance the sustainability of our health systems.

For government CIOs the most significant parts of The Berlin Declaration are point 6 and 7.

Human centred systems and innovative technologies in the public sector

The end users of public services are the citizens. In terms of accelerated transformation rate, the speed of digital adoption must put the end user’s need first. If we have a well functioning digital infrastructure and everyone in the internal work process is well trained, does that mean that the end users will also be able to include themselves in this flow?

Let’s elaborate on this question and look at some Canalix examples. Imagine that lockdown in EU is over and all of the food facilities are allowed to reopen in 10 days. Some of them will have to go through regulatory inspection to be permitted to work again. How exactly thousands of regulated facilities will be inspected in such a short time?

Digitally transformed regulatory regimes can allow subjects to regulation to perform self-inspections and facilitate the inspection process. But for that, the digital inspection platform must have an operational capacity to offer functional interaction with this specific user role.

Following this example, the needs of the users who request self-inspection can be answered with self-submission portals. After submitting required data to eGovernment portal, the information can be processed against set of criteria and rules that can categorise each food facility with complexity level. This categorisation gives visibility on which inspection entities can be assigned with self-inspection (the law complexity ones) and which require on-site visit by inspector (high complexity ones).

Related: How to formulate good digital transformation strategy in regulatory agency?

Technologies needed for achieving human-centric eGovernment services

Ensuring a human centric digital infrastructure that includes everyone means that there are technologies that are needed to achieve that. Let’s look through Canalix’ perspective again and try to determine what those technologies are.

Data-driven automation in e-governance

Following the example from above, data-driven automation is the technology that can ensure the fast processing of self-submitted inspection data. The low complexity inspection cases can be assigned to self-inspection process in zero time, while the high complexity ones can be automatically assigned to inspectors for on-site visit.

AI for smart government services

Another technology that can facilitate the reopening of the EU economy is Artificial Intelligence. For instance, how do we ensure the optimized performance of on-site inspection on high complexity inspection cases? With the help of AI inspection scheduling and planning can be optimized in a way that will allow inspectors to travel less and cover more inspection ground.

To do smart allocation of cases means to calculate inspectors skillset together with other variables like location and risk level. With this information at store, AI can come up with the most optimal inspection route. The benefits of such inspection optimisation are many, but the most important one is that inspectors can use their time smarter.

Data-driven automation and AI enhanced inspection management can transform the regulatory regime, but also many other public sector areas. Their effect can lead to optimising the costs of government agencies for their process. Something that is going to be very valuable in the economic recovery of the EU.

Resilient and sustainable digital society

Point 7 from the Berlin Declaration is about sustainability in the development of digital society. The aforementioned example with Canalix is also a good illustration of sustainability. Reducing of the carbon footprint and optimised resource utilisation is a direct effect of adopting digital transformation solution in areas like inspection management, but also in many other.


Now let’s summarise! There are components that government CIOs should include in their digital transformation roadmap, so that their efforts can be in line with the future of digital governance outlined in the Berlin Declaration. These components are:

– Fully functional end-to end digital infrastructure
– Self-submission portals where citizens can perform self-service on law complexity requests
– Rules and data-driven automation to ensure that fast processing of gathered data
– AI to optimise scheduling, planning and resource utilization

The synergy between these components is at the heart of human centric digital society with sustainable long-term perspective. Are you a government CIO looking for digital inspection solution in line with the EU’s vision for e-governance? Contact us.

Remote video inspections are part of the new normal. Regulatory bodies and inspection entities both benefit from this regulatory inspection innovation in reopening the EU economy after the lockdown ends. But is it going to work that way? Not if government agencies ignore the constraints and risks of performing inspections remotely. The key to the success of remote inspection programs is to ensure the process flow has good communication between regulatory bodies and inspection entities.

Benefits from remote and self inspection programs

Technology proved to be a great ally to regulators during the global pandemic. The digital adoption of inspection management solutions helped regulators stay efficient even during the lockdowns. The digitally advanced government agencies achieved this by introducing remote inspections in their regulatory policies and, more specifically – video inspections.

Canalix can apply remote inspection and self-inspection programs to various inspection fields – construction, work safety, social care facilities, food safety, fire prevention, etc. These sectors benefit from this innovation by saving time in the travelled distance and optimising costs of inspections. On the other hand, the inspection entities benefit from speedy processing of inspections and resolving issues that need fast resolution. For instance, food facilities like restaurants benefited from swift reopening after lockdowns ended; construction projects can benefit from more flexibility in the construction schedule; social care institutions managed to comply with the social distance rules easier when inspections were performed remotely, etc. Long story short, it’s a win-win game when we talk about remote video inspections.

How to prepare for implementing remote and self-inspections software?

The rules of standard inspections can be applied to remote inspections or self-inspection plans. It means that inspection scheduling, filling inspection checklists and managing documentation can mirror the regular inspection process. Conducting remote regulatory reviews may sound too liberal for conservative organisations like government agencies. That’s why sticking to the standard inspection model as tightly as possible is recommended for acceptance. But it doesn’t mean that the process doesn’t need its guidelines. A big part of the changes that covid-19 brought are here to stay, and the same is expected for remote inspections and self-inspection plans. That’s why they should not be looked at as something temporary that doesn’t need policies and new rules. Remote and self-inspections policies and rules should be considered as ever-evolving procedures now.

Rules and policies for remote video inspections

1. Basic rules for remote inspections

Regulatory agencies planning to introduce remote video inspections should prepare guidelines to help inspection entities and their staff carry on remote assessments and self-service based inspection checks. The basic rules for remote inspections should highlight the inspection reviews that allow this method. Usually, those are low complexity and low-risk inspections.

2. Inspection scheduling rules

The prioritisation of inspections should be scheduled according to a particular set of rules. Canalix’ inspection platform has a stand-alone inspection scheduling software that serves as a module that can schedule low-risk inspections to self-inspection procedures and fill the calendar of inspectors only with high-risk inspections.

Read also: Make inspections risk-informed with risk-based inspection software

3. Inspection execution tools

Tools like Skype or Facetime can be used as a medium for the remote inspection process. The policy of the remote inspection program can require the process to be always with live video so that the inspector can direct the process. If the inspection does not happen live, the inspector may not be able to take a picture of something or ask some questions. At the same time, self-inspections need stand-alone evidence submission portals. The best way to approach self-inspection procedures is by going with a modular transformation approach. 

How should inspection entities proceed to request a remote inspection?

The easiest and safest way to request a remote inspection is via the self-submission portal. Once the request is submitted, the regulator can decide whether to accept or decline. This process can be automated with rules that will allow remote inspection for cases below a specific complexity score and vice versa. For example, Canalix is an inspection management software with self-submission portals that can automatically allow remote inspection for applicable requests or decline if the request doesn’t qualify for remote processing according to the agency’s guidelines.

Case study: Reduce operational costs with inspection scheduling software

Read it to understand:

    • The advantages of modular digital transformation
    • The vital architectural practices and technologies that enable modular transformation
    • How a regulatory agency in the UK is benefitting from a modular approach with Canalix.

Technology is an excellent ally to governments and citizens in times of crisis. 2020 and 2021 proved that this is a very accurate statement when it concerns the field of regulatory inspection management. But to realise the benefits of technology-enabled remote inspections, government agencies must consider the constraints and risks. With error-free communication, enabled by self-service evidence submission portals and rules-driven automation, regulators and inspection entities can successfully finish inspections. With relevant and comprehensive guidelines, this new inspection process can bring positive change to the regulatory inspection programs of many sectors.

Are you a public sector professional that wants to implement remote inspection procedures in the work of regulatory agencies? Contact us; we can help.

EU countries are re-opening the economy of their communities at different rates for a second time this year. Perhaps it won’t be the last. The COVID-19 rules are changing each one of the public sectors. But one of the most overlooked on is the inspection management area of regulatory agencies.

Keeping communities safe is a top priority for every EU member sate. Safety inspectors are the people who ensure compliance with safety standards. Regulatory bodies are managing the governance on state and local level in order to guarantee the public health. The lower accidence rate in the safety regulated areas usually means that the regulatory bodies are doing their job fine. But when violations of the regulatory rules go undetected with growing rate, it’s a sign for couple of problems – the inspection management mechanism needs to be updated or the inspection capacity of regulatory agencies is over the top.

How digital inspections are facilitating the re-opening?

The answer to these problems usually is solved with reorganization and optimisation of resource utilisation. While in normal times government agencies had roadmaps ahead of time for optimizing their work, COVID-19 now complicates things. For instance, enforcing regulatory compliance via inspections in nursing homes, schools, restaurants, office buildings has become more challenging and at the same time more important. Many entities from these sectors have been closed and in order to re-open will need inspection.

Together with the increased inspection workload, there are new regulations lurking behind the corner (new hygiene standards because of COVID-19, social distance rules, etc.) that are going to complicate things additionally. Regulatory agencies are facing challenges and if they don’t find good ways to address them, the reopening of the economy might be slowed down. This will affect not only the public health, but also the wellbeing of everyone within the community.

Changing the inspection management process is crucial for the relaunch of the economy

inspection tablets canalix

Even though a lot of changes happened in 2020, most of the inspections in the public sector are performed the same way as 20 years ago. It’s enough to deduce that there are problems that need to be solved not just because of covid-19, but because they’ve be overlooked for a very long time. For instance, a lot of processes in the regulatory inspections are still paper-based and require full time working hours in office. On the top of that, administration staff needs to spend extra time on manual processing and clearing of data errors.

Digitalization of inspections

There are countries that transformed their regulatory agencies – the UK, Iceland, Canada, some US states, etc. But other countries are still not there. When we talk about removing paper-based processes and replacing them with digital ones, we don’t talk only about implementing digital inspection checklist instead of a paper one. We talk about taking a data-driven approach in the digital transformation of inspections.

How the data-driven approach transforms regulatory agencies?

The data-driven approach in inspection planning brings previously collected field data to use when setting up the priority of inspections. This enables inspectors to focus on risk and therefore improve the efficiency of inspections. What makes the difference in this approach is that inspectors are able to focus on the areas that are at higher risk and the event of violation in regulations is more likely. The risk-focused inspection method requires from inspectors to have special tools at their hands in order to work efficiently.

The new tools inspectors use for on-site inspections

Performing field inspections the old fashioned way – with many sheets of paper and a lot of manual work – can be optimised. Inspectors can use tablets and digital checklists for data gathering on the field, their inspection scheduling can be automatically updated on their devices in real time with different constraints taken into account. The inspection routes can be optimised so that inspectors can cover more inspection ground and travel less.

The early adopters of inspection management solutions in countries like the UK, Canada, Iceland are known to be benefiting these digital transformation perks. But for them and for the late inspection management software adopters there is a new challenge that came with Covid-19 – the remote inspections.

remote inspections

Remote inspections in the workflow of regulatory bodies

One year ago nobody would have imagined that it is possible to perform remote inspections on nursing homes or schools. But 2020 changed a lot of things, including our perception of what’s normal. The new normal requires new methods of performing inspections. So how do we transform inspections into remotely done work?

First there needs to be done a broad distinction for which inspections can be done remotely and which not. For regulators with paper based process it will be hard to attain visibility on all inspection data. But agencies that have already transformed their inspection process can easily gather and analyze data in order to determine the most prevalent risk factor, complexity score and the impact on community for each inspection entity. With this factors being addressed, regulators can take on the following strategies:

1. Assign self-inspection for low risk inspection sites.

Let’s take for an example a nursing home. In this scenarios the administration of the nursing home will be provided with an access to a self-service portal and inspection checklist that needs to be filled. The staff of the nursing home can perform the inspection on their own while filling the necessary details on the digital checklist and then submit the information for inspector review.

The self-inspection is a simple process that can be easily implemented on an already existing digital infrastructure. Nonetheless, experimenting with self-inspections can be a great first endevour for the late government agencies adopters of digital inspection solutions.

Related: Why Self Service in Inspections is Important?

2. Perform traditional inspections with inspectors on site for complex and high-risk cases

The high complexity requires more attention. Therefore the cases that impose higher risk because of their complexity need special attention from inspectors on site. The inspection planning of such cases can go as usual. But still – a fully digital inspection process can reduce the covid-19 risks and facilitate the compliance with social distance rules because of the paper-free workflow and fully digital document management.

3. Delegate the compliance with new COVID-19 rules to self-inspection

Some government agencies are keeping their approach conservative, even if they use all of the advantages of the digital transformation. Meaning that they stick to the traditional on-site inspections for both – low complexity and high complexity entities. Still, they can optimise their work by delegating the compliance with new COVID-19 rules to a self-inspection process. This is a smart way to remove the additional weight of new regulations off the tasks list of inspectors on site.

Is this the future of inspections?

Data-driven, risk-focused, remote process. These three pillars have already started shaping the modern era of inspection management before COVID-19. The global pandemic only accelerated this transformation. It’s a hard thing to plan and implement, but this is where third party inspection management solutions are making the difference by helping the public sector to embrace this much needed change.

Transforming government agencies and regulatory bodies is not just a matter of fashion anymore. It’s an essential transformaton with key role for the safety of our communities. Inspection organisations need to act now. Contact Canalix if you’re in need of a fast and easy digital transformation plan.