self inspections

In 2022 regulators have to deal with uncertainties more than ever – global pandemics, budget cuts, and resource shortages. Flexibility is the key to overcoming the increasing uncertainties. Many regulators are adopting self-inspections within their inspection programs and policies as a tool to employ flexibility in their battle with uncertainties.

What are regulatory self-inspections?

A regulator usually adopts a self-inspection program for inspectees with a good track record of compliance and a low-risk level for potential hazards. Those entities can perform inspection checks by themselves while the regulator maintains complete visibility over the inspection procedures and controls their standard. The results are optimised costs, better resource scheduling and agility.

How do self-inspection add value?

Canalix helps regulators adopt remote inspection and self-inspection programs. The regulators benefit from self-inspection innovations by saving time in the travelled distance and optimising the costs of inspections. The inspected entities benefit from speedy processing of inspection checks and resolving issues that need fast resolution. But there may be many other reasons that turn regulators’ sight towards remote inspections. Below we’ll list 6 of them.

Why are self-inspections the future?


1. Self-inspections help government agencies cut costs

Regulators and other government agencies can significantly reduce operational costs by adopting self-inspections. The adoption of self-inspection solutions by Canalix customers is usually associated with an average of 40% improvements in efficiency connected with reduced manual work, faster resource scheduling, and better resource utilisation that ensures that inspectors are always focused on the work that matter the most.

Related: How government agencies can reduce costs in 2022?

Canalix is an inspection management software that works as a modular platform. It can be adopted in a sequenced way – each module at a different stage, by following the tactical goal to identify the area of operations that can be transformed first to achieve the most significant optimisation result. Then by adopting other modules, the digital transformation can scale and therefore, a further modification of processes be performed. Since the inspection software modules are in the cloud, Canalix provides a service model that enables government agencies to remove inefficient or manual processes and speed up the delivery of inspections.

2. Better allocation of costly resources

Canalix, as a self-inspection platform, gives apprehensive visibility to regulators of the pending inspections with the highest risk. The AI engine automatically calculates the risk score of the low-risk inspections and triggers a self-inspection workflow for them. At the same time, costly resources like inspectors can be allocated to the jobs that matter the most, e.g. with the highest risk score. This inspection management mechanism improves resource allocation and helps high-risk inspectees enhance their compliance and safety standards, and low-risk inspectees receive significant autonomy.

Related: Where do remote inspections and resource optimisation meet?

3. Predictive risk

Regulators can monitor repeat occurrences for the same risks and point our areas to inspectees who need special attention to prevent future hazards. This improves efficiency because regulators don’t have to investigate for problems but know where the risk is by looking at the self-inspection data and pointing it out to the inspectee to mitigate it.

4. Improved inspection data quality = improved inspection management

One of the perks of using inspection management software to perform self-inspections is the availability of real-time data. When inspectors receive their data digitally, the quality of data is better; therefore, monitoring risks and tracking inspection performance enable inspection teams to handle potential threats and improve safety more efficiently.

self inspections

Related: Why real-time data is important for inspection management?

5. Stronger collaboration

Real-time data also empowers regulators and inspectees to collaborate more efficiently during self-inspections. The Canalix clients from the regulatory sector report that self-inspection collaboration via the inspection management platform reduces the time needed to complete actions during inspections. That enables inspection teams to move on to the following tasks in their to-do list faster than before.

6. Self-inspection software implementation is easier than ever

Canalix is a modular inspection platform, so it’s easy to adopt the self-service inspections by integrating it into an existing inspection management system. In contrast, adopting a self-inspection procedure was a challenging and time-consuming initiative just a decade ago. There’s the technology and opportunity to implement self-inspection programs quickly and effectively. 

Case study: Reduce operational costs with inspection scheduling software

Read it to understand:

    • The advantages of modular digital transformation
    • The vital architectural practices and technologies that enable modular transformation
    • How a regulatory agency in the UK is benefitting from a modular approach with Canalix.

How can Canalix help you with self-inspection software implementation?

Canalix puts the power of an advanced AI engine in the hands of regulators who wish to implement our self-inspection module. With this technology, regulators enable their inspectees to mitigate risks before they emerge. Aside from the efficiency benefits, this digitised inspection process grants significant cost-optimisation benefits for the regulators and empowers their inspectees to predict potential problems.

Contact us to learn how our self-inspection software can be integrated into your inspection case management system.

Read also: How to improve the engagement level of self-inspections?