While businesses are moving on in the post-pandemic reality, digital transformation experts in public organisations are also looking for ways to transform their organisations. The main goal is to provide better organisation functioning in the post-pandemic new normal.
By now, digital transformation decision-makers should have re-evaluated the operations of their public organisation. What’s next is for them to set a strategy and prioritise the actions they need to take. In an overlooked field such as inspection management, digital transformation may be a more significant challenge. We dedicated this blog post to three burning questions that need answers before setting in motion a plan for transforming the inspection regime in regulatory agencies.
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Resilience factors in the inspection transformation
Regulatory agencies are an integral part of the public sector. They can’t stop their work. But when challenges like global pandemic appear, regulators need to restructure and reorganise their inspection processes in two directions:
- The employees (inspectors, administration, etc.) must work safely, following social distance rules.
- The citizens must communicate with the regulatory agency’s units to request the service they need.
So to evaluate the resilience factors on regulatory agencies’ inspection process during the lockdown measures means to assess what helped inspectors and administration staff to do their job. For example, some regulatory agencies with existing digital infrastructure and inspection software may have easily moved their work to a home environment. But other government agencies that are not that up to date with their IT infrastructure have probably had to work with reduced working hours and workforce to comply with the social distance rules. So every digital transformation expert coming from a government agency must be ready with a list of evaluations of the resilience factors that positively influenced the inspection performance during the lockdown period.
Related: 5 Priorities For Regulators After Covid-19
- Was the decision-making process fast enough?
How long did it take for the organisation to respond to the challenges of the lockdown? Did you have to wait for a decision to be made by your organisation on a centralised level? Waiting for a centralised response to the new challenges may not be optimal. That’s why the decision-making in crisis should be made independently of the centralised government unit. In terms of strategy, this is the better approach. The government agencies that already run their inspection management process with updated systems will be able to transform their work mode faster than those with more outdated inspection programs.
Not making the right decision on time will probably result in wasted time. The opposite scenario, backed with an updated inspection management system, will spare your organisation the waste of time and improve productivity. There must be a precise evaluation of the challenges and opportunities during health crisis-induced lockdown for that to happen.
Related: Ready-made vs Custom Software – Which One is Better For Inspection Management?
- What are the actual options for the digital transformation of the inspection process?
The global pandemic brought global digital transformation. There are thousands of digital safety inspection software tools on the market. But when we talk about regulatory agencies, choosing a proper software solution becomes a more serious matter. And when the software solution must be an inspection optimisation one, things become even more complex. Digital transformation leaders must be up to serious research for good inspection software to provide security, usability and flexibility.
Related: How do you test an inspection software?
Are you a digital transformation expert looking for the best inspection software? Start with our Guide for finding the best inspection management software. And if you want to know more, contact us directly through our form here.