Entries by Boris


The essential KPIs for inspection management software

For inspection team leaders in regulatory agencies is essential to track the KPIs of inspection performance. Those are the metrics that allow managers to track the performance of inspection teams and check whether the pre-defined objectives are met. Inspection KPIs are the indicators that define the success of operations in the inspection process. By tracking […]


5 inspection scheduling software features that help regulators cut costs

Adopting cost-efficient inspection models is more relevant than ever for regulators and will keep its rising trend in 2022. Public sector regulators often ask us about cost reduction strategies for inspection operations. Our answers are quite often related to optimising inspection scheduling. That’s why we decided to publish our most given recommendations on what should be expected […]


Why some customer achieve big ROI from using inspection software?

When we speak of ROI (return-on-investment) in the digital transformation of the inspection process, the KPIs are mainly in terms of efficiency and improved connectivity in inspection teams. That’s so because a digital inspection platform can automate many manual inspection tasks, and regulators can benefit from improving their operational efficiency and safety compliance standards.  Even though many […]


How to improve safety strategy with inspection software?

Team-leads of inspection teams in regulatory agencies often have problems with knowing what’s happening during safety inspections on high-risk cases. Are the complex inspection procedures kept from A to Z? Is there something missing that may increase the risk of hazard? ‘Team leaders can hardly get their eyes on these data when the process is being performed with paper […]


Why real-time data is important for inspection tracking and how it improves safety?

The use of proper inspection tracking software is crucial for the ability of regulators to solve problems on and off-site. This ability can be negatively affected by incorrect data, missed actions during an inspection, etc. Using a standalone inspection tracking tool and other tools may not work well enough. Or the regulator may not be using an inspection tracking […]


From paper-based inspection systems to paperless inspection software

In 2022 the use of paper-based processes is perceived as something old-fashioned. However, paper-based processes are still a thing in conservative structures like government agencies. Countries with well-developed digital government strategies are good examples of leaving the paper behind. Their experience proves that digitalisation makes things work better than before – reduces the cost of processes, improves […]


Why regulators need resource scheduling optimisation for inspections

The use of resource scheduling software helps regulatory agencies plan, manage, and allocate resources in a way that follows the optimisation goals of the agency. An inspection team leader can do effective inspection tracking and aid his decision making to keep the agency’s operational costs below a certain level. The use of field resource scheduling tools for high-risk regulatory inspections is […]

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How to find resource scheduling tool for regulatory inspections?

Intelligent use of resources is crucial for effective regulatory inspection management. If human resources such as inspectors are scarce and the number of inspection requests progressively grows, the regulatory function of any agency would suffer. How do we solve the human resource scarcity in regulatory inspections? The most obvious answer would be to raise the number of […]