Entries by Boris

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How to reduce rework and downtime for costly resources in inspection management?

For regulatory agencies, the investment in highly qualified inspectors is perhaps the most valuable. However, this investment may lose some of its value if there are scheduling issues. That’s why many regulators choose to invest also in good inspection software as a solution to optimise operational costs and cut spending caused by frequent rework or […]

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How your government agency can reduce costs in 2022?

One of the public sector’s biggest struggles today is transforming services and freeing themselves of legacy systems and workflows. Are they winning this battle? And how do they do it? The digital transformation vision Government agencies, local government administrations, and other public organisations are bearing big weight when it comes to digital transformation. They have […]

What are the impacts of resource-constrained scheduling?

Since the pandemic hit, the impacts of resource-constrained scheduling became a pest to many organisations with costly caseworkers. The bright side is that this crisis presents many long-term resource scheduling optimisation opportunities. The question is whether the organisation would recognise such opportunities or not. What is the problem with resource-constrained scheduling? Many of our solutions […]

7 Resource management software tools to look for in 2022

Making efficient resource planning, scheduling, and constant resource management optimisation is crucial for transforming business processes into a more sustainable and cost-efficient version of themselves. And of course, the metrics that are going up are employees’ productivity and overall performance. The resource management software is a powerful tool organisations use to improve their project planning and […]


How automating manual inspection processes helps regulators?

The digital transformation journey in the public sector may look different in different government agencies. Sometimes the process starts with a specific problem that identifies the needed technology. But sometimes, the process is reversed – it begins with particular technology being applied over the existing work process. Our practice as a digital transformation partner taught […]


Government Leaders: What to look for in a digital transformation partner?

Optimising processes, delivering better services to the public, reducing operational costs and improving productivity and compliance – those are the primary goals that governments and state agencies are chasing when undergoing a digital transformation. For example, Iceland uses intelligent court management software to bring automation into the courtrooms. Scotland uses an advanced inspection management system […]

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Case study: Cutting costs with automated job scheduling software and further optimisation

Digital transformation can hardly bring a quick fix for teams’ productivity and operational costs if an inefficient process is just covered with a layer of technology. Тhe nature of these initiatives is strategic and affects many parts of an organisation – people, systems, processes. Sometimes, to get the desired quick fix, organisations need to update […]


How real-time resource scheduling takes optimisation to the next level?

Getting costly resources like certified inspectors and technicians to start and complete on-site jobs on time defines the efficiency of their service. Resource management software helps such teams to maintain the quality of their service by optimising their schedules, balancing the workload, improving the precision of job completion and getting on a long-term cost optimisation […]


The essential KPIs for inspection management software

For inspection team leaders in regulatory agencies is essential to track the KPIs of inspection performance. Those are the metrics that allow managers to track the performance of inspection teams and check whether the pre-defined objectives are met. Inspection KPIs are the indicators that define the success of operations in the inspection process. By tracking […]