
In our previous article we wrote about the reasons why SaaS solutions are smart choice for transforming the inspection management model. The 2020 pandemic is expected to accelerate the use of SaaS platforms. This is so mostly because SaaS solutions are offering fast and easy solution for working outside the premise of the office. This kind of flexibility is strongly needed by the regulated industries and the regulators themselves. Especially the part of them that uses old systems that can’t provide functional integrity in the post pandemic new normal.

Related: How SaaS inspection platforms are providing security and productivity boost to the regulators?

The post covid-19 acceleration in the use of SaaS solutions is yet to be measured. What’s clear as of now is that the use of cloud-based inspection solutions is one of the optimal shortcuts to efficiency in the work-from-home era.

A survey of over 820 IT decision makers conducted in March by 451 Research (now part of S&P Global Market Intelligence), titled Voice of the Enterprise: Digital Pulse, Coronavirus Flash Survey March 2020, brings insights that some of the transformations, imposed by the pandemic are likely to have a long lasting effect. That’s why the planning of the future of enterprises and governments must be long-term.

cloud inspection solutions and management

This graph was taken from the “Voice of the Enterprise: Digital Pulse, Coronavirus Flash Survey March 2020”.

What does long-term means for the regulatory compliance & inspection industry?

Simply said it means that enterprises and government agencies that were using old systems (inspection software, case management systems, bpm, etc.) prior the pandemic, should fundamentally rethink their systems for the future. Productivity and security are the first important issues that should be resolved in crisis-induced transformation. These problems are important and their solving is a really great progress for the companies that look forward temporary solution. But looking at the bigger picture, there are other benefits at hold  in the using of cloud-based SaaS solution. If we look at Canalix’ costumer’s data, the list of benefits goes beyond productivity and security:

• Up to 75% of submissions can be processed automatically and up to 60% reduction in process time
• Up to 50% reduction in inspection report writing time
• Up to 40% reduction in total travelled distance
• Planning of inspectors reduced from days to seconds
• No wasted time by wrongly skilled inspectors send on-site

Related: The Benefits of Using Inspection Software In Regulatory Compliance

However, the real value of these efficiency improvements can be experienced only if the implementation of the new cloud-based inspection model is a long-term strategy. If we look at the benefits from the perspective of long-term value, we will go beyond productivity and security straight into the field of cost cutting:

1. Reduction of costs for maintaining hardware

The use of cloud-based inspection solutions leads to cutting the costs for maintaining the hardware that ensures server infrastructure on-premise. The larger the enterprise, the bigger the cut of the costs. In the post pandemic world where the new normal will include more work from home, the efficiency and costs optimization can walk hand by hand. In the world of inspection management and regulatory compliance, SaaS solutions can realize this promise fast and secure.

2. Reducing the time and cost of training

Talking of fast, you probably wonder what’s the meaning of the fastness in terms of cloud-based inspection software. The development and implementation of tailor-made software solution can take months to years. In more conservative environments such as the public regulators, the training of staff is also a challenge. This whole set up process can be reduced literally to days and hours if a reliable SaaS platform is involved.

Related: Choosing Inspection Software: Tailor-made or SaaS solution?

Of course, specific industries as the regulatory enforcement have more specific needs than a regulated business enterprise. SaaS platforms allow customization that can fit better the specifics of the inspection management field.

Related: Industry-specific vs all-purpose inspection platforms

The conversation about benefits from using cloud-based SaaS inspection software could be endless. Whether we talk about obvious advantages of the SaaS model or not that obvious, the current growth in the use of these platforms proves that there’s a big value in their usability. Facing a future where the remote work model is one of the most viable ones, makes the need of reinventing the traditional work models more urgent.

Do you want to experience first-hand the steps to migrating inspections and regulatory compliance to a cloud service? Contact Canalix now.

If someone asks you what digital transformation means, you will probably say that it depends. You may add that it has something to do with automating services based on existing data. Or you can quote Gartner and their definition:

“the process of exploiting digital technologies and supporting capabilities to create a robust new digital business model.”

Whatever the definition is, everything comes down to transforming the business into more optimized version of itself. The goal is efficiency and business optimisation in few directions: time, costs, ecological impact and reducing of stressful manual work.

Read more about the benefits for public organisations using business optimisation solutions.

Digital transformation is not evenly distributed across the industries. For example public organisations like regulatory bodies are not at the same level of digital transformation as private companies like retails banks that spend billions of dollars to digitally transform their business.

In other words some industries are more ahead of others in adopting digital transformation. This is great news for regulators! It means that they can learn from the positive impact that digital transformation has on other businesses.

1. Automation

When operated manually the compliance management takes a lot of time. Usually there is a lot of data involved – documents, spreadsheets, pdf files, etc. Some of the data is sensitive and needs to be categorized as such. The access to the data is not equal for everyone in the organization and someone needs to control the access and the way it is accessed. The bottom line is that regulatory compliance involves complicated processes. The manual handling of these processes takes a lot of time.

Now imagine a regulatory compliance software that intelligently operates with all this data and automates the operations that were done manually. With the time that such software can spare for organisations, they can shift their focus into adding more value into the delivery of inspection driven enforcement.

2. Smart work

Regulatory compliance operates with data. The use of smart compliance management platform can easily turn data into trends. With the time earned by automation, regulatory bodies can spend more time into interpreting this data and drive it into valuable actions. Because with more time for interpreting trends, you will have more time for analysis. And analysis is the ultimate ground for smart business decisions.

3. Easy alignment with new regulations

Compliance is based on rules. For better or worse the rules change or get updated. Keeping track of new rules and updates takes time. The use of regulatory compliance software makes the actualization of the needed changes an easy process for regulators.

4. Real and measurable value from using regulatory compliance software

The real value of using regulatory compliance software can always be translated in numbers. The regulatory bodies for example have 50% operational cost that is attributed to inspections. This cost can be reduced and the result can be measured with real numbers. This is why digital transformation is crucial for the inspection driven enforcement activity of the public organisations. It induces optimization on several levels in the organisation.

All of these dimensions of positive impact come to one bottom line: the use of business optimization software is crucial for the evolution of inspection-driven enforcement. If you want to know more about adopting digital transformation by regulatory bodies, contact us now.

Bonus definition of digital transformation by Salesforce:

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements. This reimagining of business in the digital age is digital transformation.