
Optimising processes, delivering better services to the public, reducing operational costs and improving productivity and compliance – those are the primary goals that governments and state agencies are chasing when undergoing a digital transformation. For example, Iceland uses intelligent court management software to bring automation into the courtrooms. Scotland uses an advanced inspection management system that connects case management processes with an AI inspection scheduling and complexity scoring system to deliver a faster, priority-based response on critical inspections. At the centre of these digital solutions is a technology that enables governments and their agencies to use better the data they already have. The common ground between different solutions like case management software, inspection and job scheduling tools, court automation systems, etc. is based on:

  • Adaptive network
  • Cloud-based infrastructure
  • High level of security.

A successful digital transformation has to have a strong foundation over these three pillars.

1. Adaptive network

In the early days of the internet, network connectivity was based on fixed endpoints. At the same time, today, we have networks that connect users to giant data centres – for example, Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, and why not government public services? Those are the adaptive networks. They are consolidating disparate connections under a common roof to ensure efficiency, optimal use of the data and a good level of control and automation. 

2. Cloud-based agility

Many government agencies are already turning to cloud solutions such as SaaA and PaaS to optimise operations and reduce the financial burden of on-premise IT systems. The use of cloud-based technologies allows big organisations to maximise the value of their data – the one they collect or some other agency shares with them. The scalability and performance capabilities of cloud environments make these solutions the best option for real-time data analysis, automation and AI innovation. The benefits could spread across the whole organisation – reducing costs, improving productivity and efficiency, making the citizen experience great.

3. Built-in security

The larger the network, the harder it is to monitor and manage attacks. That’s why a directly built into network security is the way to ensure a good level of data protection. The concept of connected security provides more visibility on threats and their quick mitigation, which makes this method a preferred way to prevent attacks. 

Why should digital transformation in governments have a solid foundation over these three pillars?

The digital environment is quickly evolving. When a government agency goes digital, the future for this organisation will be very dynamic and in constant evolution to address the new opportunities that come in the sector. A digitally transformed organisation founded on an adaptive network, cloud technologies, and built-in security is the way to ensure that governments will be digitalised today and will be ready for the changes of tomorrow.

What to look for in a digital transformation partner?

Even though those are only three pillars we’re talking about, the process of adopting digital transformation in government requires serious attention over hundreds of details – small and big. Government leaders usually turn to trusted partners to help them adopt a solution to meet the short-term and long-term goals. Canalix is a digital transformation partner to government agencies, and based on our experience with government leaders, we collected some of the most relevant requirements that digital transformation partners should be able to meet:

  • modern technology that provides end-to-end delivery of digital transformation solutions, adaptive network, secure services and cloud-based strategies for scale and integration
  • track record of successful digital transformation projects in government agencies
  • knowledge of sector-specific methodologies
  • good understanding of the problems government organisations are trying to overcome; and how existing processes can be optimised to work better with modern technology.

case management government agency

Evolving with the present

The evolution of governments is already linked with the evolution of technology. Government leaders are trying to equip themselves with the necessary tools to overcome the challenges in the public sector field. 

With the three pillars as a foundation for digital transformation, state and local governments will be equipped to overcome some of the most common challenges facing the public sector. Not only because it’s the way things go. But mostly because digital transformation is the way to: 

  • respond to the citizen’s expectation
  • improve data management
  • provide a good level of cybersecurity
  • fix the staffing shortages issues (via innovative job scheduling solutions, etc.)

Contact Canalix to book a free consultation or book a 15-min product tour.

This will change everything” was quite a popular phrase at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the world of business this phrase was mostly connected with changes in terms of digital transformation. But digital transformation has been an ongoing trend for the last 15 years. So what’s the different in digital transformation in the post covid-19 era? The answer is simple: what’s different is the speed of adoption of digital infrastructures. The urgency for action is dictated by the uncertainty in the global situation.

The new world context is affecting the pace of cloud adoption in regulatory inspections as well. A field such as regulatory enforcement that’s focused at ensuring the safety of our communities is a serious matter and the urgency for digital acceleration is very sensible there. It means that decisions must be made on a faster pace to ensure the functioning of law enforcing government agencies in the new reality of mass lockdown with growing infection rates.

If we have to summarize the focus that government agencies must keep in the current COVID-19 recovery era, it will come down to:

  • Government agency need to make faster decisions
  • They should focus on automating inspections and leverage on AI in inspections
  • They should focus on real-time risk assessment
  • They should focus on driving agility in inspections
  • They need to stick to cloud-first approach

And all of these must be done on a much faster pace than before the COVID-19 era. So let’s get to the biggest question in this article:

How does digital acceleration in inspection management looks like?

Like every big question, there are a lot of “depends” in the answer of this one. The digital acceleration in inspections depends mostly on the digital adoption strategy of the organisation. In the public sector this means that the CIO must speed up the decision making in the roadmap of the digital adoption strategy. If there’s no digital adoption strategy in motion, then now is the time to make on.

Related: All you need to know about making a cloud adoption strategy

What are the possible ways do accelerate digital transformation in inspections?

  1. Don’t transform outdated legacy systems, move to an entirely new cloud service designed for inspection management. This can be the faster and smarter approach for transforming inspections. But a careful research is needed.Read our guide: How to find inspection management software online?
  2. If on a central level the government has successful history of cloud implementation, then the good example must be followed. Following an already known path can accelerate digital transformation in inspection. For example if a social care institution has a successful history of implementing cloud based case management solution, then the smart move for this institution will be to follow the same path when implementing an inspection management software.
  3. Reorganize spend and move funds from less valuable initiatives to more urgent ones like cloud adoption.

Related: How to approach cost-efficient cloud adoption?

What to expect from accelerated digital transformation in regulatory inspections?

Doing something on a faster pace in the public sector is definitely not normal. But the new reality must be accepted. This means that there are certain red flags that must be kept in mind when we approach accelerated digital transformation in the public sector:

  1. A balance between efficiency and resilience must be kept.
  2. Inspectors, administrators and functional leaders must be equipped with the required skills.
  3. Configurability that can adequately answer the needs to different use segments in inspections (an inspection software must offer configurability for different type of inspections – food safety inspections, construction building inspections, social care facility inspections, playground inspections, etc.
How You Can Drive Digital Business Acceleration

Related: How governments should prepare for the post-pandemic scenarios?

This all is a part of the strategic planning. Strategic planning includes the conversation for the future and the priorities that must be followed if the most likely future scenario is changed (a thing that already happened on a massive scale with COVID-19). A change of the possible scenario such as the global pandemic might require from CIO’s to change the pacing of the digital adoption strategy for inspections. Disruption is not a bad thing if we are able to predict the outcomes.

Do you need help with the strategic planning for the digital transformation of inspections in your organisation?

Contact us now.