inspection planning

Automating Inspection Planning and Resource Allocaiton

One of the first association one has when hearing about inspection planning is complexity. What comes to the imagination is a big complex structure with a lot of processes going on in the same time. To some it may looks scary and impossible for optimization. However, that is not entirely true. Canalix is a product that is dedicated to making inspection management simple. That’s why we wrote this article to explain how things really are working in an inspection management platform like ours.

What is inspection management?

Inspection management is series of operations that are more complex than business process management. They are more unpredictable because they involve cases, which very often have a complex structure and relationships with other cases and processes. While automating a simple business process is easy, because we have pre-defined steps, automating cases is the harder thing to do. It’s hard because if we automate case-based process (such as the inspection management), we need to automate possible scenarios involving human judgement. If it was a video game, automating business process will be level 1, while automating a case process will be the final level.

Related: Read more about the difference between case management and BPM

And so we come to the burning question:

How to automate inspection planning that usually need human judgement?

Let’s imagine that a citizen files a complaint to a state regulator via self-service web portal. After describing the issue, the citizen has to complete a quick questionnaire about the nature of his case. Depending on the answers, the case is being profiled within a category of complexity.

Related: Why Self-Service Portals in Government Agencies Matter?

Now let’s imagine that there are hundreds of other cases. Each with different complexity level and only dozen of inspectors that can do an inspection. If every inspector has a unique skill set, then the matching of cases with inspectors should be done very precisely. So how should we approach the inspection planning and allocation without making costly errors?

Precision takes time when done manually. By looking at this complex picture, one would think that it will take an eternity to finish each case. It is partly true. But not if inspection management platform like Canalix is processing this complex model of work.

Related: Five Benefits Of Using Inspection Management Software in 2020

Are cases allocated automatically after receiving data from self-service portal?

The short answer is yes. Thanks to a pre-defined set of rules, Canalix is scoring the complexity of each case. It means that once a citizen submits the data for his own case, the inspection platform starts moving the case through the inspection pipeline. This movement includes the matching of the case with relevant inspector. And this is not the best of it. By defining a priority score and using different options for constraints, the inspection scheduling and planning can be done in the most optimal way. It means not only that cases can be allocated to the right inspector without making a mistake, but also allocated in a way that is more optimized in terms of resource utilization (for example reducing the costs for transportation).

The power of artificial intelligence is making big difference by allowing us to work smarter than before. That’s why AI is one of the main technologies that stands behind our inspection management software. It is literally a technology that can replace the need of human judgement.

Related: The Benefits of AI in Inspection Software

Replacing entirely human judgement sounds scary and uncomfortable for more conservative business environments. This is where another perk of using inspection management solution like Canalix comes. When a case has a high complexity score, the inspection platform sends it for control by real human. In other words it means that the inspection software is smart enough to judge when a case needs to be processed manually by human.

Is specific technical knowledge needed to automate inspection planning?

The short answer is no. Simplifying complexity runs on every level in Canalix. It includes the usability of the software. With simple and minimalistic user experience everyone with general technical knowledge can use Canalix.

Related: How Inspection Scheduling Is Being Optimized With Canalix?

Describing how the complex structure of inspections can be automated is not always the best way to demonstrate how inspection optimization platform works. This is why you can book a live demo with us. Contact us here.

Do you want to know more about the benefits that inspection software like Canalix can bring to your organization?

• Up to 75% of submissions can be processed automatically and up to 60% reduction in process time
• Up to 50% reduction in inspection report writing time
• Up to 40% reduction in total travelled distance
• Planning of inspectors reduced from days to seconds
• No wasted time by wrongly skilled inspectors send on-site

Read more here.

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Boris Glushkov is the content editor of Canalix's blog.