
Every research about business optimisation eventually goes through business process management and case management. And inevitably, there come the questions: What is case management? What is BPM? How is the one different from the other? We’ll answer all of these questions below. Let’s start with:

Are BPM and Case Management the same things?

Business process management and case management software are two solutions with the same goal: business optimisation. This is the common ground between them. But this common ground also creates considerable confusion because it makes people think of BMP and Case management as the same thing. The truth is that even though they share the same goal, the two solutions differ in the approach they offer. So let’s look at each one of them separately.

What is Business Process Management?

If we take any kind of organisation – small business, big enterprise, NGO or local government, we can describe the workflow processes in their structures as BPM. Every process is related to a certain individual. For example, in one big office, the work process of the office manager is to keep track of the office supplies. There are specific steps that the individual must take to finish this process weekly. BPM streamlines processes like this and implements new and more optimised ways for their execution. It mostly happens through data automation.

Now, if we take, for example, all the possible functions individuals can have in one big office, we will have hundreds of workflow processes to look through. What you should remember as the most distinctive description of BPM is that it acquires mainly processes that are consistent and easy to predict. This makes Business Process Management a perfect optimisation solution for general use.

regulatory case management software

What is Case Management?

Case Management is focused on more complex processes that together build a case. If we have a clear workflow structure in BPM, in cases structure is not so clear, and the outcome of operations is not easy to predict. That’s why we need a different approach in optimising the work with cases. And this is where the case management software comes in handy.

What’s the difference between BPM and Case Management Software?

If we imagine that the BPM software makes an optimal route for completing a work process, then the map will look like that:

  •  Start from point A, then go through points B and C and finish in point D. Fast, clear and straightforward where every step of the process can be predicted. 

But if we need a map for the most optimal way of completing a case, then the map will be like that:

  • Start from point A, but there will be other people, processes, and probably cases involved at points B and C. Depending on the decisions taken at these steps, the course of action may be changed. The path may lead to points D and E before finishing the processes. It all depends on the human judgement that will be made. Such complex processes usually happen in big and complex organisations like Planning Inspectorate, Social Care Commission, Local Governments, Insurance companies, Regulatory Authorities.

RelatedHow to compare different business optimisation solutions?

By looking at these two examples, we can conclude that the most significant difference between business process and case management is complexity. A good BPM solution will use data automation to optimise the work process. But if we have to optimise the work with cases, then data automation won’t be enough. This is where AI comes in handy and solves complex problems that often require human judgment.

Relatedread more about AI optimisation in inspection software.

Case management vs BPM in opposition is a really great way to understand the specifics of each solution. But what if our organisation needs to optimise both: structured and predictable processes and dynamic and more complex cases? The good news is that there are flexible platforms in this regard. It means that they can be utilised for BPM and solve complex and specific problems.

Do you need to know more about such a solution? Canalix has an outstanding regulatory case management software that can be integrated to realise the business priorities of regulators and other public sector organisations. Contact Canalix now.