Getting costly resources like certified inspectors and technicians to start and complete on-site jobs on time defines the efficiency of their service. Resource management software helps such teams to maintain the quality of their service by optimising their schedules, balancing the workload, improving the precision of job completion and getting on a long-term cost optimisation plan. With that in mind, resource optimisation software developers are constantly trying to keep up with the demands of the market by giving more power to the organisations when it comes to optimising resources. And by more power, we mean more visibility over real-time data so that the real-time scheduling decisions respond adequately to all kinds of situations.
An example of software that addresses various uses and aspects of resource optimisation issues is Jobtimizer. It’s a tool that understands the need to get costly resources to their scheduled jobs on time, with the required tools, skillset and information.
Allocate the right resource with the right skill to the right job. And even more!
When we talk about resource optimisation software, we’re talking about a tool that matches the right resource with the right job. Automatically. But what if the resource management software optimises other aspects as well? What if there’s an emergency that disrupts the work schedules for days ahead? To reroute expensive resources and create new schedules that keep operational costs under control is crucial for efficiency. And usually, a good resource scheduling software does that. But a great resource scheduling does even more because schedule disruptions also present an opportunity to reduce travel time (compared to the previous work schedule). But to have an efficient rerouted schedule, one must have a fast and prompt reaction to the changes. And this is where the interesting questions and even more interesting answers come.
Talking about benefits is good, but how exactly are they playing our with resource optimisation software?
Match the right job with the right human resource
“Just match a job to the right person who can finish it”. Sounds simple but is it? What exactly are we matching – the skillset, the geolocation of the resource (whether it is the one nearest to the job site) or the availability status? If we juggle through different constraints, job matching becomes a very complex task. Jobtimizer can take all these constraints and automatically make a balanced schedule. The result is that only employees with the required skills and certifications will be eligible for the job and it will be allocated to the one nearest to the job site.
Each schedule is optimal in its own
It’s great that the resource management software enables back-office employees to sneak as many jobs as possible in work schedules, but what about the travelling time? What if the route between jobs is too long. The point of designing an optimal work schedule is to fit as many jobs as possible in it. But also – to reduce travel time, so that on-site workers can finish their jobs without overtime.
Jobtimizer is created with a focus on optimised route planning so that costly resources like inspectors, technicians, etc. won’t have to drive to the same town multiple times a day. Jobtimizer visualises schedules on a map and designs the most optimal route with minimum travelling distance between jobs.
And of course, aside from the benefits for the on-site workers, smart route planning delivers even more:
- Reducing the carbon footprint
- Reduce the vehicle maintenance costs by decreasing the millage
- Last but not least – improves the response time to service calls
High-risk prioritisation
Sometimes high-risk checks should be priorities over low-risk ones. If there’s an emergency that requires a fast response, Jobtimizer allows you to schedule a resource that’s near the location of the emergency check. The best part is that Jobtimizer will automatically make a new schedule for the resource who’s sent as an emergency responder (if the high-risk appointment replaces a low risk one). The power of using resource rerouting tools is most evident in emergencies because at the end of the day there are no missed checks and the service is delivered without compromise in its quality.
Resource scheduling optimisation is about being in the present
Putting a real time-data in the hands of the people who make real-time decisions about scheduling is what makes Jobtimizer efficient resource management tool. Trying Jobtimizer is free, so you can book a demo here or just request a 15-min product tour.