inspection scheduling software

5 inspection scheduling software features that help regulators cut costs

Adopting cost-efficient inspection models is more relevant than ever for regulators and will keep its rising trend in 2022. Public sector regulators often ask us about cost reduction strategies for inspection operations. Our answers are quite often related to optimising inspection scheduling. That’s why we decided to publish our most given recommendations on what should be expected by inspection management software in terms of cost optimisation.

What is inspection management software?

There are many good inspection software definitions. But what defines Canalix most accurately for our customers is:

The inspection platform serves as a job scheduling and inspection optimisation tool that improves the inspection process, from completing tasks faster to making more efficient inspection schedules that ensure more intelligent management and less expensive operations.

This definition of Canalix as an inspection platform works well for regulators with on-site and remote inspection programs. Also, it helps them to evolve and embrace new remote models like self-inspections for low complexity inspection requests. The user-friendly interface and cloud-based nature are facilitating the adoption of Canalix as a cost-reduction solution to regulators.


          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

Which areas in the inspection process endure the most major optimisation with Canalix?

  • Connectivity

All of the participants in an inspection have access to the inspection platform where they can communicate and find the latest and greatest attached to each task.

  • Inspection scheduling

Make inspection schedules for seconds with the most optimal resource allocation. If the inspection program endures a last-minute change, all resources are reshuffled to find the most optimal planning.

  • Decision-making

Having all of the inspection data in one place gives valuable insights for decision-making. The inspection team leader can make important decisions faster. And even make a long-term plan with clear goals set ahead.

  • Costs

The employing of various inspection optimisation solutions in one platform ensures many opportunities for cost reductions. It pretty much delivers optimisation of everything connected with the finances in a regulatory organisation.


There are various areas in which inspection software can change things for the better. But of course, there are also a variety of inspection models across different regulatory sectors that have their specifics. That’s why it depends on how much of the potential of an inspection platform like Canalix can be employed to achieve a maximum positive outcome.

A ready to use inspection platform is excellent news for regulators making their first digital transformation step. But it must go together with a degree of customisation to achieve the desired efficiency level. That’s why Canalix provides inspection software with expert help configuring the solution specifically for the customer. Looking for such expert help should be affirmed as a general recommendation when we talk about adopting new inspection management technology.


The inspection software features that make the difference

Inspection Tracking 

The inspection tracking software feature makes it easier to monitor and track the high-risk cases and their potential risks. First, because the digital format allows inspection teams to monitor inspections over time with just a few clicks, they don’t have to dig in a pile of paper. Monitoring risks with a historical perspective provides inspection teams with more information they can use for decision-making.

Real-Time Data

By doing inspections faster, the regulator can ensure safety more efficiently. It’s all due to a variety of factors. But the collecting of real-time data is one the most important ones. With real-time data on one platform accessible by decision-makers and other regulatory enforcement actors, the regulatory sector can quickly transform inspection models to fit better the cost reduction goals.

AI-enhanced inspection scheduling

Digital inspection platform like Canalix is like case management software, inspection scheduling software and resource allocation software working together on the same platform. Regulators don’t have to use three different solutions that don’t work well together. They can have a working platform that eliminates time waste by entering data twice to two separate digital platforms. That’s excellent news for achieving effective inspection scheduling and disruption-free inspection planning.

Mobile / remote inspection capability

The mobile capabilities of Canalix enable inspectors to use their mobile devices while performing digital inspections to capture photos or videos and attach them to the inspection file in the cloud. With inspection software in the cloud, inspectors can upload additional files on-site. If they have to go back to the office to update their inspection file later, the efficiency may suffer. Enabling inspectors to provide further context while making inspections gives inspection teams the power to react to critical inspection-related data on time. 

Inspection optimisation with improved inspection route planning

Making an inspection schedule where inspectors spend minimum time travelling between inspection jobs is hard. But with the AI engine, Canalix helps inspection teams to reduce their time spent on travelling. That enables the inspector to focus better on inspecting and spend less time travelling. That’s a way for regulators to achieve a new level of cost reduction and reduce their carbon footprint. 

How can Canalix help you if you’re a regulator?

The inspection digitalisation experts of Canalix have vast experience in serving regulators by delivering custom inspection software solutions. We can optimise the inspection workflow of regulatory inspections with attention to detail. Request a free 15-min product tour here and start your cost optimisation now

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Boris Glushkov is the content editor of Canalix's blog.