route optimisation in inspections

Inspection optimisation: How to cut fuel costs with route optimisation?

Route optimisation sounds like a thing that you’d expect Google Maps to do for you. But in the work environment of regulatory enforcement and inspection management, inspectors would think otherwise.

Let’s take, for example, the job of the inspector who does construction site inspections every day. Every inspection site includes a list of areas that need inspection checks to ensure compliance with safety standards and other regulations. Sometimes these lists contain hundreds of checkpoints. The small details surrounding the critical work of inspectors make the process slow. Often, inspectors would spend all they travel long distances to inspect one construction site with high priority status and requirement for a high skillset. If the volume of inspection requests grows with time, the Inspectorate will have to hire more inspectors or make the hired ones work and travel more. In both cases, it will mean more expenses.

The old fashioned way of solving the issue with the growth of workload in inspections would be to hire more inspectors and send them to more work spots. But this is also a costly way. It’s the way of the regulatory agencies that are still not going through digital transformation. The question is, what other way can we offer to them?

CASE STUDY: How a regulatory agency cut costs with resource scheduling software?
          • reducing the scheduling time with up to 75%
          • increasing efficiency of operations with 40%
          • fully eliminating errors in the resource allocation process.
Download the case study.

What’s the way to reduce the cost of inspections?

The inspection cost depends on the inspector’s location, distance to the inspection site, and inspector’s salary, of course. Suppose we set up manually the inspection scheduling calendar. In that case, the most complex inspection cases will go to the most qualified inspectors. Sometimes, the most qualified inspectors will have to cover the less inspection ground because of the travelling. That is expensive for many reasons. The inspection management software can bring drastic improvements in inspection optimisation by reducing travel time and fuel costs.

How to optimise routing with inspection software?

Imagine that each inspection request is being automatically assigned with a complexity score that considers the location, availability and skillset of all inspectors. Now imagine that this software can match inspectors with a relevant case. And all that while the software is mapping the most optimal inspection routes and considers all of the constraints. That sounds too good to be true. Data-driven automation and AI come into play and make the life of inspectors and everyone in the regulatory agencies easier and way less expensive.

The example with the construction site inspections is not a limit. This kind of inspection optimisation can be applied to other regulatory areas – food safety inspectionsfire inspectionseducation inspectionsenergy inspectionsinsurance loss control inspections, etc.

How route optimisation changes things for regulators and enterprises?

When we talk about route optimisation, we don’t mean Google Maps. It is more than just finding the shortest available route between points A and B. It’s about finding the most efficient path for someone at point X and going through points A, B, C, D, E and F and spending different amounts of time for inspection. The inspector must make some stops between these points and spend different amounts of time at each one. Finding the most efficient route for such a complex task is not easy to be done manually. That’s why good inspection management software with route optimisation features is needed.

Summary of the inspection optimisation benefits:

Route optimisation reduces the costs of inspections, improves inspectors’ efficiency, and allows them to cover more inspection ground by travelling less and ultimately safe their time.

Is Canalix a route optimisation software?

Canalix is an inspection management solution focused on transforming the inspection model of regulators and enterprises. Route optimisation is a crucial AI-powered feature of the software. Our clients use it not just for transforming inspection processes but also for a wide variety of resource scheduling solutions. Our customer success data shows that our clients reduced the distance travelled by inspectors by up to 40% and managed to cut costs while improving the inspection process.

Do you want an estimate of how much route optimisation can reduce the costs of inspections in your company? Contact us now.

RelatedWhy do you have to try a proof-of-concept before buying an inspection management software?

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Boris Glushkov is the content editor of Canalix's blog.