Why you need a proof-of-concept?

The landscape of inspection software solutions is big and full of varieties. This is why everyone who is researching this field is likely to be armed with many questions. However, once all of the questions are asked and answered, there comes the next stage – testing a demo of the inspection software. This is an effort that will take a certain investment of time. But the pay off of this investment will be worth, because of these benefits:

1. You will test a real-case scenarios

Have you prepared your list of problems that you’d like to solve with inspection and compliance management software? If not, you can read our guide for searching inspection optimization solution and start listing all of the problems you’d like to solve. Once you’re ready with this list, you’ll be able to evaluate the efficiency of the software by testing it.

The demo testing of an inspection software lets you experience in practice the power of operational optimization – whether it is optimization of inspection scheduling, inspection planning, etc. The bottom line is that a well build Proof of Concept will give you a good taste of the real benefits that your organization can reap in the long run.

As a cloud inspection platform, Canalix can build demos that are in familiar environment for the customers. This allows them to experiment with the inspection software and get a real taste of it.

2. You will find answers by yourself

It’s one thing to have questions and hear the answers from someone who is selling your something. It’s another thing to find the answers by yourself and have a double confirmation of what you have been told. Worst-case scenario: you will know what wouldn’t work for you. Best case scenario:  you will be able to imagine what other benefits are there for your organization. In other words: both scenarios are win-win.

Related: Read Why PoC’s of Inspection & Compliance Management Are Important

3. Focus on the specific needs of your organisation

We believe that a good partner can upgrade your ideas in unexpected ways. That’s why in our practice the building of a PoC is a process that starts with interaction with our customers. The point of this interaction is the precise extraction of the client’s requirements and goals. When the PoC is ready to be demonstrated, the client will be able to test a demo solution that is customized for his inspection model.

The bonus side is that based on the quality of the PoC demo, the client can make more informed judgement. However, there’s one important side question: what if you test two different products with PoC and the experience with both of them is flawless? In this case you should decide which one of the two PoC demos was more easy to experiment with.

4. Get a measurable ROI

Last but not least, testing a demo version of a software is the best way to tell if it’s worth the price.

Are you looking for:

  • inspection management software
  • case management solutions
  • compliance management platform
  • self-service portals solution?

Do you have a list of inspection software requirements waiting to be turned into beautiful PoC? Do the first step and contact us now. The rest is easy.


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Boris Glushkov is the content editor of Canalix's blog.

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