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Government In The Cloud: Myths That CIOs Must Be Aware Of

Government CIOs have a lot on their hands. Busting myths about cloud adoption is one of them for better or worse. Debunking myths requires their understanding. Even though it sounds like a minor thing to fix, there are myths that can slow down governments and enterprises on their road to digital transformation.

1. “Saving money is the only cloud adoption motive”

Cost-efficiency is important and cloud adoption is the best long-term direction to achieve it. However this is not the solely reasons that enterprises and government are turning to cloud. For decades there’s been stereotypes about the government that everything that happens there is slow and outdated. Cloud adoption is a key not only to cost-efficiency, but also to agility.

Government CIOs must look not only at financial cost-optimisation sheets, they must be looking beyond that. For this they need to analyse different use cases of cloud. In order for cost goals to be achieved, the usability of the cloud solution must be explored.

Related: How to approach cost-efficient cloud adoption

How to ensure that the cost optimisation goals will be achievable?

CIOs and digital transformation leaders must be aware of the importance of proof-of-concepts (PoC). This is a demo software that covers predefined use cases.

If you’re a CIO that is exploring opportunities for cloud adoption in government agency for food safety, you don’t just buy a software through online checkout. You run some meetings with the supplier of the cloud service and then you ask for PoC that can recreate a specific experience. This experience might be running an inspection management process with the supplier’s cloud software. This is one of the best ways to ensure that the cloud solution can actually deliver the cost-optimisation that is promised.

Related: The Importance of testing inspection software with PoC

Contact Canalix now if you’re looking for inspection software demo that can deliver specific use case.

2. “Cloud is the end goal”

Formulating a cloud strategy is important. Governments and enterprise that haven’t adopted cloud yet, must look at their strategy first. However, when the stage of implementing the cloud comes, the functional leaders must be aware of the end goal. And they must be educated that the cloud is just a means to achieving the goal. The goals may be agility, cost savings, resource utilization, improving the user experience for citizens, public servants, inspectors, etc.

Related: Understanding cloud strategy in governments

Implementing cloud solutions in governments is not a single warrior effort. It’s a group effort. That’s why CIOs must invest some time in making everyone involved in the implementation phase to understand the benefits that cloud will bring to the organization’s processes.

3. “Migrating to cloud is one-time effort”

Let’s say that a local government adopts cloud by using case management software. This is one path to cloud. But there are also many other different paths. If the local government has a successful use of the cloud case management software, it means that they should adapt cloud for other processes as well. This is the moment where CIOs must prepare the organizations to go along a new cloud transformation road.


Once the operation process of case worker is optimized via cloud solution, then it’s natural for the organization to optimize the rest of the processes. As a next step in this example it would be strategically smart to transform the work of inspectors by adopting inspection management software to fully leverage the cloud principle. This is a good example for long term digital transformation planning, that is designed to bring gradual improvements.

Related: How investing in cloud create saving for governments and enterprises

It other words it means that once a government successfully moves a process in the cloud, doesn’t mean that the work is finished. It means that work begins. This is a complex process. It means that the CIOs must be careful when choosing cloud supplier, because the supplier must be not only a service delivery entity, but also a great consultant and partner.

Get in touch with Canalix if you need to book a consultation for adopting cloud in the inspection management.

Contact us.

4. “Cloud is overrated, companies are moving away from cloud”

Companies are not moving away from cloud. On the contrary. Today the migration to cloud is safer than ever. This can be confirmed by data from a single google search. Actually we’ve written a dedicated blog post about the cloud adoption being a key player in the post-pandemic new normal.

Read it here: Cloud – the new normal of regulatory compliance (with insights from IT decision makers for cloud adoption)

5. “Our cloud strategy is to move one of our processes on the cloud”

Strategy is a big thing. It should set a long-term direction with end goals. CIOs in governments and enterprises are responsible for formulating the cloud adoption strategy. Along the way for achieving these goals, there must be strategic plans. These plans have the objective to set the right priority for cloud migration and to form a cloud implementation plan. They must not be mistaken for cloud strategy.

Related: Everything you need to know about cloud adoption


Setting apart myths from facts is a key step for ensuring that everyone understands the benefits of cloud. It all starts from the IT leaders in governments and enterprises, they formulate the strategy, they debunk the myths. The second figure next to them are the functional leaders of the different departments – inspectorates, financial departments, human resources, etc. Together with the IT leaders they must share a common understanding of the benefits of cloud. Ensuring that all levels of the organization – whether it’s public or private organization – understand the reality behind myths will enable organizations to fully leverage on the benefits of the cloud.

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Boris Glushkov is the content editor of Canalix's blog.