remote video inspections canalix

Remote Inspection Software and Self-Inspections – Benefits, Constraints and Risks

Remote video inspections are part of the new normal. Regulatory bodies and inspection entities both benefit from this regulatory inspection innovation in reopening the EU economy after the lockdown ends. But is it going to work that way? Not if government agencies ignore the constraints and risks of performing inspections remotely. The key to the success of remote inspection programs is to ensure the process flow has good communication between regulatory bodies and inspection entities.

Benefits from remote and self inspection programs

Technology proved to be a great ally to regulators during the global pandemic. The digital adoption of inspection management solutions helped regulators stay efficient even during the lockdowns. The digitally advanced government agencies achieved this by introducing remote inspections in their regulatory policies and, more specifically – video inspections.

Canalix can apply remote inspection and self-inspection programs to various inspection fields – construction, work safety, social care facilities, food safety, fire prevention, etc. These sectors benefit from this innovation by saving time in the travelled distance and optimising costs of inspections. On the other hand, the inspection entities benefit from speedy processing of inspections and resolving issues that need fast resolution. For instance, food facilities like restaurants benefited from swift reopening after lockdowns ended; construction projects can benefit from more flexibility in the construction schedule; social care institutions managed to comply with the social distance rules easier when inspections were performed remotely, etc. Long story short, it’s a win-win game when we talk about remote video inspections.

How to prepare for implementing remote and self-inspections software?

The rules of standard inspections can be applied to remote inspections or self-inspection plans. It means that inspection scheduling, filling inspection checklists and managing documentation can mirror the regular inspection process. Conducting remote regulatory reviews may sound too liberal for conservative organisations like government agencies. That’s why sticking to the standard inspection model as tightly as possible is recommended for acceptance. But it doesn’t mean that the process doesn’t need its guidelines. A big part of the changes that covid-19 brought are here to stay, and the same is expected for remote inspections and self-inspection plans. That’s why they should not be looked at as something temporary that doesn’t need policies and new rules. Remote and self-inspections policies and rules should be considered as ever-evolving procedures now.

Rules and policies for remote video inspections

1. Basic rules for remote inspections

Regulatory agencies planning to introduce remote video inspections should prepare guidelines to help inspection entities and their staff carry on remote assessments and self-service based inspection checks. The basic rules for remote inspections should highlight the inspection reviews that allow this method. Usually, those are low complexity and low-risk inspections.

2. Inspection scheduling rules

The prioritisation of inspections should be scheduled according to a particular set of rules. Canalix’ inspection platform has a stand-alone inspection scheduling software that serves as a module that can schedule low-risk inspections to self-inspection procedures and fill the calendar of inspectors only with high-risk inspections.

Read also: Make inspections risk-informed with risk-based inspection software

3. Inspection execution tools

Tools like Skype or Facetime can be used as a medium for the remote inspection process. The policy of the remote inspection program can require the process to be always with live video so that the inspector can direct the process. If the inspection does not happen live, the inspector may not be able to take a picture of something or ask some questions. At the same time, self-inspections need stand-alone evidence submission portals. The best way to approach self-inspection procedures is by going with a modular transformation approach. 

How should inspection entities proceed to request a remote inspection?

The easiest and safest way to request a remote inspection is via the self-submission portal. Once the request is submitted, the regulator can decide whether to accept or decline. This process can be automated with rules that will allow remote inspection for cases below a specific complexity score and vice versa. For example, Canalix is an inspection management software with self-submission portals that can automatically allow remote inspection for applicable requests or decline if the request doesn’t qualify for remote processing according to the agency’s guidelines.

Case study: Reduce operational costs with inspection scheduling software

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Read it to understand:

    • The advantages of modular digital transformation
    • The vital architectural practices and technologies that enable modular transformation
    • How a regulatory agency in the UK is benefitting from a modular approach with Canalix.

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Technology is an excellent ally to governments and citizens in times of crisis. 2020 and 2021 proved that this is a very accurate statement when it concerns the field of regulatory inspection management. But to realise the benefits of technology-enabled remote inspections, government agencies must consider the constraints and risks. With error-free communication, enabled by self-service evidence submission portals and rules-driven automation, regulators and inspection entities can successfully finish inspections. With relevant and comprehensive guidelines, this new inspection process can bring positive change to the regulatory inspection programs of many sectors.

Are you a public sector professional that wants to implement remote inspection procedures in the work of regulatory agencies? Contact us; we can help.

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Boris Glushkov is the content editor of Canalix's blog.